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Emotional anaesthesia -Dealing Depression

Stress is everywhere . So is the solution!
In a perfect world, every day would be sunny, we’d never gain weight and our checkbooks would always balance. But instead, stuff happensand things don’t always go according to plan. Does that doom you to a day of misery? It doesn’t have to ?
While we might not be able to change the situation, what we can do is change the way we react to it !

Woke up late ? Calm down during morning hours.
you're calmly going about your routine, pull open your curtains: Exposure to bright light gears up your mood-enhancing serotonin. And—for some extra mood-boosting insurance—put the alarm on the other side of the room so you won’t be tempted to use the snooze function tomorrow.

Late for college? Stuck in a traffic ?

while it may seem cheesy, smile, even if you don’t feel like it. The effect is not only contagious, but the actual act of smiling and feeling your cheeks lift upward can fool you into feeling happy. Then pull over, call your office to let them know you’ll be late, and turn on your favorite tunes to create a more relaxing atmosphere as you merge back into traffic. Studies  show that people who listen to music in the car have lower respiration rates than those who don’t turn on the tunes.

Last moment !Assignment to complete! What now ?

Take a few deep breaths to take control of your body and mind, and then say this to yourself: “I can handle this; it’s a challenge rather than a threat.” Reminding yourself of other times you’ve performed well under pressure will help you realize that you can do it now, too!

Be prepared for situations like this in the future by keeping relaxing scents stashed Or just sniff lavender on its own to enhance concentration.

Afternoon - drowsiness , fatigue ... Pep up? But how?

Have a mood-boosting snack. There is a bump in melatonin, the hormone that naturally puts your brain to sleep, between 2 and 4 p.m.

To increase your productivity and fight off that slump, try mixing healthy sugars and fats ,even a cup of green tea with a teaspoon of honey.

And if you don’t have snacks on hand—jump up and down! It may feel goofy, but it works. As adults, we’re so earthbound; something about getting your feet off the ground and doing something childlike can give you the quickest jolt of energy and good cheer!

 If you’re afraid of looking silly, take five minutes to run up and down the stairs or go for a quick walk around the block—even short bursts of exercise can increase levels of serotonin, those brain chemicals that make us feel good. 

The plan you were excited about for weeks together ,Your friends cancels it at last moment.

You might feel resentful and disappointed, but take a moment to consider that there may be a lot going on in her life that you might not know about. If you’re leaning toward confrontation, have a small nosh rich in the amino acid tryptophan: researchers found it can significantly decrease quarrelsome behaviors while increasing agreeable ones. Tryptophan-rich foods include dried chia seeds, chocolate, oats, bananas, dried dates, milk, peanuts.

Unexpected email from a colleague , complaining about your attitude .

Before you pound the keys with an angry response to the sender, calm yourself down and try to see the big picture.

Forgiveness goes a long way toward not only unleashing your mental burden, but your physical one, too, leading to better health outcomes . 

Whether you decide to respond to the email or ignore it, take a few minutes to meditate. Not only can it help you relax, it can help you make less emotional and more rational decisions. 

Now , the foods to fight depression !

What makes a food calming? Too often, a client will wave me off when I bring up this topic and say, "all foods are calming foods. Whenever I'm eating, I feel better." But there's a huge difference between tapping into a food's inherently calming properties and using any food as a kind of emotional anesthesia. That kind of eating may buy you a temporary sense of calm, but it's a quick fix that wears off way too fast. And where does it usually leave you? 

Cortisol causes food cravings, and in women those cravings tend to be strongest for carbs, especially sweet foods.The more of them we eat, the worse our mood gets. As if that weren't bad enough, the cortisol then makes more trouble for us, triggering an enzyme in our fat cells (it converts cortisone to more cortisol).  Since our visceral fat cells (the ones in our abdomen, packed around our vital organs) have more of these enzymes than the subcutaneous fat cells (the fat on our thighs and butts, for example), stress causes many women to accumulate more belly fat. The more stress, the more this abdominal, or central, obesity occurs. 

when I talk about calming foods, I don't mean so-called comfort foods. I mean meals and snacks that will truly soothe and calm you. Whether it's because of the specific nutrients they provide or the steady, reliable source of energy they give you, they'll get you through the day feeling focused, even, and balanced—so you'll have the ability to conquer anything!


These creamy fruits stress-proof your body. Rich in glutathione, a substance that specifically blocks intestinal absorption of certain fats that cause oxidative damage, avocados also contain lutein, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and more folate than any other fruit. A single serving (about one-quarter of an avocado) has plenty of B vitamins, too. 


Berries, including strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are rich in vitamin C, which has been shown to be helpful in combating stress.


Cashews are an especially good source of zinc. Low levels of zinc have been linked to both anxiety and depression. 

Green tea


 both women and men eat more chocolate as depressive symptoms increase. Of course, we've all been there, polishing off an entire package of chocolate after a bad day. But there's evidence that, in moderation, chocolate does actually make you feel better.


Among the compounds in garlic is allicin, which has been linked to fending off heart disease, cancer, and even the common cold. Because stress weakens our immune system, we need friends like garlic, which can toughen it back up. As long as you saute it in broth, not oil, you can add it liberally to all the meals on the plan.


Talk about comfort food! A complex carbohydrate, oatmeal causes your brain to produce serotonin, a feel-good chemical. Not only does serotonin have antioxidant properties, it also creates a soothing feeling that helps overcome stress. 


vitamin C powerhouse, oranges have the added benefit of being totally portable.


The sweet pleasant taste boosts your moods and it's nice to know they've been proven to provide a bit of a cognitive !
So far so much!


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