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Advice bits

Saturday is an Advice day. While Sunday is a fun day . 
Life  in a medical school is an amalgam of fun and run . Both are in extremes. You are fun like you never had before, and study like you never did before. 
So here are some bits of advices.

1. What Has Happened, Happened
When we enter a rough patch, depression becomes prevalent. It is important to realize that in most situations, there is nothing you can do about it. There is no reason to stress yourself about an outcome you had no control over. You need to look at the situation as an opportunity to improve, make needed changes, and move on. While that may be indescribably painful, you are not alone. 
2. Reach Out To Others 
Others have been in your situation before. The names are changed, some of the details are blurred, but someone else out there has walked the same path as you, and has made a better life for themselves. Seek out these people – they will guide you through the heartbreak, they can help you find another job, or they can be a shoulder to cry on. Never keep your emotions and feelings bottled; write them down, talk to someone, and find help. 
3. Be Optimistic 
Certain situations require you to hold back that sob, straighten your shoulders and take on the world. In those cases, staying positive will always help along the way. If you focus on the negative thoughts, only negative will happen. Be positive that you can inspire change, and it will happen. Be grateful for at least one experience every day, and soon, you will be a more confident person with a realistic view of your life and situation.

4. Change Will Happen Fighting change only leads to anxiety and stress. When change happens, it is best just to go with it, and see where it takes you. It is such a difficult thing to accept and do, but that is the only way to handle the situation, otherwise it will give you unneeded headaches. Sometimes it is not even a situation, but yourself that must make a change to progress with the world, job, or relationship. 
5. It Will Get Better Rock bottom hurts. There are sometimes when it seems there is no bottom, and you get pushed further and further down. There is a bottom, when you have nothing left but your barest essentials, you can only go up. Understand that no matter what kind of situation you are in, you can always improve it by looking at it critically and identifying where there needs to be improvements. Make small goals, small steps to digging yourself out. Talk to friends, family, or even a cashier at your local superstore. Reach out, and you may get a helping hand from someone who wants to inspire change and help others improve their lives. Rough times are not predictable, not situation will be the same. No one is to say that while you are climbing the ladder to get out of the whole, someone is not going to cut the ropes. The main issue to remember is that you must always climb. Life is not easy, but with diligence, optimism, and a little bit of humility, you can make a better life for yourself and your family. There is always a way.
 So far so much


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