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MBBS Hurts

Hello people
I am back again . Blame it on the vacation guys!
Insomnia got me here today. Today , I am rather euphoric but would like to bring out the health damages , that I had observed in fellow medical students.

1. Cuts
To start on a lighter note since the anatomy dissection hall , haematology blood prick stunts in both physiology and  pathology. The one below is the cut, I succumbed to while trying to turn my Davidson. Little though , it hurts . Which faculty , except the defence services lends their DNA just for the sake of some count.

2. Dark circles 
No , the 20 something girls don't have inch deep and wide dark circles . Not throughout the year, atleast . Unless they have a baby to look after or a 11-7am job , young ladies have bright eyes and complexion. The irregular cycles of sleep , either due to the exams or due to the exams again! Now that it's a routine , we never mind watching a movie or two during that time .

3. Acne
The constant stress leads to dehydration or skin damage . And tadaa! Here is the *stress pimple* 1 cm wide with a 1.5cm peak. But some have acne exacerbating during tests.

4. Hormonal Locha
Yeah , girls especially who go in flocks into medical colleges soon develop hormonal imbalance leading to conditions like obesity , PCOs etc.
To all those grey haired people yelling this  is all because of your lifestyle . Then here is the answers . The medicos those days had enough physical activities . A kilometre or ten cycling daily or a brisk walk was their routine . When we try that we are at a risk of a kidnap or hit and run case .
 Plus ,to study Gray's Anatomy they had two solid years . Park was a baby then , now is an obese monster. There were less diseases, less drugs , less mode of treatment . So , it was a simple lifestyle and failing was just not a thing! People would take years together to clear their SSC , while in this era you are termed retarded if you take more than an attempt.

5. Insomnia 

Smartphones are a plague affecting our generation.Need I say more . Smartphone is just a feather in the cap . To stay updated about your friends , college gossip you need to have a smartphone .

6. Obesity / Weight Loss
The hectic schedule and the constant

pressure to perform well causes metabolic derangement leading to obesity or weight loss .

7. HairLoss

Ample , shiny , thick hair are a sign of youth. But now we are sick old grannies .

8. Vision
The organ that shares the stress load with the brain is the eye . That stops to function properly and needs aid - spectacles!

9. Depression
Many students fall a bait to anxiety and depression . We join the field to treat people , fall sick instead.

Self-loathing should be limited to the early twenties. You’re awkward, weird, goofy and make stupid decisions. But then you’re smart, responsible, beautiful and loving within and that's what you need to focus on by the time you're 25.But since we are twenty five , it's our social right . Hain na?
So far so much 


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