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18-Types of Medigirls in my college

Been there done that. I have been in an all girls institution since forever. So , categorising girls is a hobby. I seriously would recommend you to swipe this tab if you HATE judgemental people.

1.The athlete Adonis 
These guys and girls are the A-List celebs of any college campus. 

2.The Floor Mayor

These girls as soon as they find a gathering begin to groan about how pathetic the campus is just like a mayor.

3.The Houdini (magician)
To her taking care of patient is the highest priority. Her patients are always the easiest to take care of. In fact, the attendings love this medical student and praise her for her efficiency. As her companion, you find yourself envious — you wish you had her skill, but you know you’d be caught if you tried any of this stunts. You try to make yourself feel better by saying, “At least I’m getting more out of this rotation,” but deep down, you know that’s a lie.
4.The ever curious!
This medical student is really itching to go into the field in which you are currently rotating. They ask a ton of extra questions, beg the attending to go into detail on every disease, and try to follow the cases much as possible to An extent of giving them a chai tip to an auto fare.

5.The sorority clone
This girl is very rarely seen without at least two others just like her, eating junk at the dining hall or walking in a herd, talking and texting at the same time.She will NEVER go anywhere alone — she won’t attend a class unless she knows a friend will be attending it too; she won’t show up to a meal without an entourage; and she’ll roll up to the restaurant in a car full of five other sisters. If you sit behind a bunch of Sorority Clones in class, you’ll be deafened by the incessant clicking of their cell-phone keys and their hushed conversations about formals, mixers, and “drama". Her favorite words are “legitimately," “actually," and “honestly", and she uses them to emphasize every observation she makes, no matter how mundane .

6.The optimists

They also have a never-ending optimism about them that quickly grows tiring. They may even ask for extra assignments, not realizing that all of the students will get extra work, not just them. And when the students are sitting around in their daily gripe-fest, complaining about their days, they’ll say something like “Oh c’mon guys- it’s actually pretty cool.” I’ll be honest, I’ve acted like this before. To a small extent. But c’mon guys- surgery is actually pretty cool.(Umm .. Not really (hemorrhoids PV/PR) no!)
7.The irono-clast
This student, almost always an art, history, philosophy or English major, is just a little bit too cool for you. Her favorite word would be “ironic," and she uses it to great effect in class, just to let everyone know that nothing she says is meant to be taken entirely seriously. Look for her,not in the restaurants but in an underground, little-known canteen , where she’ll probably be discussing the finer points of A poet or else tweeting constantly from her smartphone. 
8.The jerk
On the floors, a gunner is the  girl who looked up the vital signs for every patient on the service, and when you can’t remember your patients’, she says them out loud. She’s the guy who manages to scrub into all the cool surgeries, often by following around the attending physician non-stop. She's  the guy who refuses to go back when the professors dismiss everyone, and asks to do extra menial tasks. The only advantage of having such girls in your unit is that it unites all your unit members against her!

9.The Great Participator

You’ll remember this student in every single class you take. Great Participators have an answer, comment or opinion for every question, whether right or wrong. They’ll keep their hands up for so long they’ll have body-builder-toned arms, and they’ll go off on so many tangents they’ll sound like they’re getting over a case of mono. If they’re a member of any gender, cultural, political or geographical group, they will always find a way to tie any point made in class to their background But as much as they participate, they may not be so outgoing outside of the classroom — this is often a girl or guy you’ll see acting perfectly normal, even shy, in social situations or at a dorm meeting, and they can even be the person sitting alone at the dining hall, reading the newspaper and enjoying a solitary sandwich.

10.The actual best friend. 
Occasionally, the stars align, and you find that you’ve been paired on the same rotation with your best friend. You do a jumping high-five with them, as all best friends do, and get ready for your first day. And it’s great. You start having dreams about opening up a practice with them, maybe moving next door to each other so your kids can go to the same schools. But like living with your best friend in college, the little things start to bother you a bit. Like how she always shows up ten minutes later than you. Or how she never seems to study, but she knows all the answers when the Attendings pimp you. And why is she getting so close to the other medical students? They aren’t her best friend! The six weeks together ends, and you guys spend a week apart, regaining your sanity. Afterwards, you can start being friends again, but you realize that going out at night with someone is definitely not the same as spending 80 hours a week in a hospital together.

11.The “Too Cool for Medicine” girl
 I’ve realized that no matter if you’re in elementary school or professional school there is always one of such girls.She acts like such a dudett about life but when it comes to the books she totally performs without even trying. When she makes an appearance in class everyone is shocked because “Let’s face it guys, I don’t need to show up to pass.”

12.The Time-Waster 
I know that there is one of these out there in every social circle, not just medical school.She’s completely unsure of what she wants. This girl will ask you to study along today, and then say she can’t hang because she’s with someone else.

13.The Future Master of the Universe
For these girls college is a one way stop on the way to the real world. They can't be bothered by petty concerns such as class, college parties when they have careers to make. Everytime you see them they talk about the post graduation entrance exam , internships , future abroad. You'll see them strolling around the campus with a Chai in the left and a smartphone on the right hand.

14.The Flavor of the Week 
My heart goes out to these guys, honestly. They are super smart, a little quirky and totally awkward in social situations so dating is hard for them. It kind of goes like this: girl sees guy (outside the college apparently on Facebook) instantly falls in love and pursues him when completely shmammered (either in person or via Facebook message), girl gets freaked out and either already has family issues or pretends to have one.The girl gets heartbroken and sulks. This cycle repeats once every couple of weeks. 

15.The Chronic Gossip Girl 
She has to be “in the know” with EVERYTHING. This girl is constantly asking questions about people, updating her Facebook browser and keeps tabs on everyone’s social/love life. Also when she does see any activity on your Facebook/Instagram she feels the need to comment about it.

16.The Emotional One 
I find it disgusting when these guys show their true colors. They get entangled with social drama . This girl is constantly looking to get into a fight (either physical or verbal) because they always feel like they are correct. They also seem to be very judgmental about others and how they lead their lives, which gets very old very quickly. 

17. Hypochondriac
These people diagnose themselves with life threatening diseases for slightest of the symptoms after googling from Internet .The internet is not your family doctor. Your family doctor is your family doctor. Being a hypochondriac is not going to help you.

18. Thankless Beings
Very few are genuinely thankful for whatever they have in their lives. Most of us are running the rat race, wanting more, craving more. Don’t be like the majority.

Ok so far so much!


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