Hello my dear readers
I had a tan due to the heat wave in my college recently... What kind of heat wave ? Let me explain.
After the first internal assessment exams were done .I found grumpy ladies packs. I won't disclose who was who ... And what they were muttering
.But yeah... Some moral science lecture to help you survive in a medical school. Don't be surprised if you find any of these. If you have passed the first year in medicine , you'll know 80% of these already.
-People will study without telling you.
-They will apply for that job.
-They will have the paper leaked.
-They will connect with the professors without letting you know.
Solution :
-Don’t be heartbroken.
-Keep your expectations low and embrace simplicity.
-Do what you want to do irrespective of what others think.
Because what is meant to be yours will fly from Mars just to be in your platter.
So far so much
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