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15 Times You wanted to QUIT Medicine

Hi fellas!
Today is again a frustration flush day in my diary. All of end up in medicine either by mere luck or intense hardwork . but from here where to? More than the destination is the path that excites us. It's the enthusiasm that cuts obstacles leading to a smooth path. 

Sometimes we look at pool and think it's pretty deep to swim through,to our surprise it's a shallow water body and vice versa. The problems appear huge quite a number of times , but if you have a proper sword and mind you get out of it , either by sheer luck or mind games.

Medicine is like the reality show *Roadies*. The tasks they give you might be simple or dinosaur like, but you are evicted based on your ability to perform under pressure. There are ugly bald headers abusing you for being inconsistent , timid . You gradually learn to be sly , diplomatic , aggressive , wise at the same time . You learn when you ought to be selfish and selfless . When to say ,*NO!*.

There are always times when you wanted to quit Medicine . Here are some common ones :

1. Dissection Hall
Not everybody is aware how horrible the sight of dead soaked in formalin can be. I remember pushing a colleague into the dissection hall when she tried to abscond . P.S. It was the first day and I didn't know who she was.

2. Anatomy textbook
The sight of anatomy textbooks.
When I read the names of the bones scaphoid , lunate , capitate ... I wished to have known Greek or learnt it as a second language. Learning course of nerves , like you are memorising the way to your aunt's house ( originates here, goes behind that, comes forward , curves around it . Damn! Geography was simpler).

3. Structures 
Learning the amino acid structures , realising the number of diagrams you have to learn in anatomy . Not to forget embryology! The pouches , the arches . 

4. Result
After writing your exams , 80% of us are unsure if we can even make it . Write supplementary? That's something we have never done till 10+2. There are a lot of ego and status issues.

5. Histology
When I first saw histology slides , and learnt the fact ,that I have to identify to which part of the body these pink maps belong! I was so perplexed that I thought I chose a wrong field . And when I passed Anatomy (somehow) , I thought it was the time to do some charity by donating hematoxylin and eosin pencils. But the fate had Pathology in store , waiting with dark face (black cover) and a pink map on each of its paper.

6. Genital examination
Yes , that's one of the super awkward things you need to do . Born and brought up in typical Indian  families , we are not only taught to cover ourselves properly but also not to look at people who don't cover themselves properly . Remember , how watching Ftv was considered? Now , you wear (or don't) your gloves palpate such areas . The same parents are now proud of their daughters who thought watching Ftv was for people of low morale.

7. First Normal Delivery
The labour not only exhausts the mother but also burns your fat faster than the steam sauna. *Come on! It's out ! You can do it !*

8. PR examination 
Why the hell this? I know undergraduates are not supposed to do this ... But as interns you will have this in store , someday!

9. SPM textbook
That was the day I realised , I am wasting my time here . I should have done Human Resource Management 😡

10. Davidson 
The sight of this book made me run on my toes , go on my knees and pray to God ... Oh God , why?

11. Rural service
It was then I realised it was government of India's trick to control the post graduates population for a year . And that I am going to be an undergraduate for life!

12. Earnings
A friend of mine , B.Sc. graduate began to earn by the time she was 20. And we can't earn till the age of 24 . Haha. Laugh now.

13. Exam pressure
The last one month makes you go nuts (walnut , cashew nut all that) . The viva and all is so mentally traumatising!

14. Post operative care
When you see people suffering more from Post operative Complications than pre-operative care , you realise how chronic the doctor patient relation has to be.

15. Announcing death
Declaring somebody dead before their family members is something that gives you a death scare instead.

So , what made you want to quit medicine ? Comment below.
So far so much 


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