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28 Types of Medigirls in VRK hostel

Hello my fellas!

Remember what Nick Carraway’s father told him in ‘The Great Gatsby’? “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."

But then there are many things that shouldnot have been the way they are now, but they are! So let's shoot!

 Once in a hostel one has huge chances that they will either mess up or get ready for the real life, not under their parents’ supervision.choosing to move into a hostel itself is a huge thing for Muslim girls in a state of AP , I mean Telangana .
But as a matter of fact Hostels happen to be a pretty funny place with almost every kind of human character around you, and after you move out of the place you know for a fact that you’ll survive under any condition.

Hostels are everything the world should be and everything the world shouldn’t be, all at once.While every hostel is unique, the crowd passing through tends to be more or less the same. We’ll scratch the surface today by categorising people.
All those morcha-Ing for * Don't be judgemental * campaign , the ill tempered and sensitive souls out there ... This is not for you'
Hostel culture manages to simultaneously be a  utopia of open-mindedness, and a factory of cringiness and conservative thoughts.

1. Book snobs
Because using the word Bookworm will be an understatement for them. Competitive , studious creatures on the land of hostels . Anyday you drop into their rooms , you'll find them reading and learning new stuff . It's a sin to miss a day without studying.Their relationship with the book is intimate, mutual, and all-encompassing.

2. Star Plus
Or rather colors or an all on one case . Her daily dose of drug is to complete the daily soaps and reality shows . In case she misses it , she'll ask for narration scene by scene.

3. Boastful Lot
They'll make you feel jealous cause you don't have a friend circle like theirs.They keep narrating stories about their get togethers.There they are, having fun, enjoying the shit out of each other, and all you can do is stare longingly. No, you’re not in the group, and no, you’re not invited to wherever they’re going next. As you head up to bed alone, the sounds of their incredibly hilarious situation which  serve as a reminder of how alone you are in this country, planet, and universe.

4.Late Lateef 
30-40 minutes of bathing . Need I say more.

5. Late night workers
The sheer number of people who own their laptops. The serious gossip gangs . The needs of course.

There’s always a few people you meet in hostels who become life-long friends. More tend to become travel partners for outings ranging from a day to a week.

No water in washroom? No electricity? You can contact this girl even before you inform the authorities. The hidden-activist within will make sure everything is back to normal in no time.

8.The handle with care
The ultimate crybaby . This girl is just too naïve and is homesick. Here comes the weekend and she vanishes.The number of phone calls this girl receives a day makes you doubt if you are adopted. From mom to aunt everyone calls her at least once a day.

9. Handle with care
These girls have a habit of overthinking. *What did she mean , when she said this ?* a rude answer is a danger sign for the Ganga , Yamuna and Mahanadi to flow.
It is as if this girl has inbuilt sprinklers in her eyes - and it is sensitive as a baby's bottom. Every tiny thing sets off her sprinklers.

10. The crisis
Be it during the beginning of the semester or its end, this girl is just always broke.She refuses to join any get-together and sometimes, she even starts borrowing money. But the way she splurges on other non-essentials is difficult to ignore.

11. Party Gang
Who says loud music is a disco thing?  Let's play the loud music in the room after the birthday party and shake a leg.

12. The Good Samaritan 
She will be there by your side when you’re not well, and she will have all the medicines. Talk like your daddy , care like your mommy. 

13. Mean Girls
They will smile at your face, but they are sure to backstab. The only talent they possess is judging others.

14.The Adsense 
*advance* is the word . They have double meaning to anything you say. The dirtiest and the funniest.

15. Miss Perfect
She pukes or nauseates every time she visits the hostel washroom.She continues to crib about her ill fate every other second. Her room is highly equipped , neatly set making it hard to belief of its a hostel.

16. Wisdom tooth 
This girl knows almost everyone in the hostel. She also could perhaps be the most genuine person you can probably find in the entire hostel and you can always look up to her in case of any emergency.
17. Gossip Gang
This bunch of lazy bums are just too lazy  and maybe even think they’re just too cool to interact with anyone. From the Jhumka Jameela is wearing to the thumka shakira makes everything is a news of concern . From Akira's family background to Naseera's medical history . Name it and they know it.

18. The Crazy
She is the one your mother you warned about.She will teach you how to let your hair down. No matter how bad she is, she is the life of the hostel! And not all bad girls are really that bad!

19. The Artificial Intelligence 

It’s something out of SciFi. These people don’t live in our plane of existence — they’re one with the machine. Oh, you can see them, and they can project themselves into a social situation with a phone or camera.

They’ll carry on a conversation for only as long as it takes to get your Facebook information, and then they’ll disappear back into the bush like a journalist on safari, never to appear again. And yet, for the rest of your life, they will pop up on social media, liking your pictures and commenting on your status with a familiarity so far beyond their initial impression that you’ll wonder if they were ever a real person at all.

    Catchphrase: “Nice to meet you man! Add me on Facebook!”
20. The mossy stone
She makes “flunking by” look cool .You see hersitting there with her crazy dreads and loose dresses chilling out and watch events unfold. After observing them for days together you realise they don't know the art of stressing out or being unhappy. The smile they wear on their face is so contagious.
Catchphrase: “I’ve four backlogs this year, but I’ll figure it out eventually.” 

21. Daddy's girl

She gets everyone wondering how daddy's little girl ended up in such a proletariat hostel setting. Her fussy airs makes her seem like she should instead be staying in a golden castle and Mercedes to loaf about.

22. The Economist

They learnt the basics of economics while still in the womb - and if she says you owe her 12 rupees 50 paise, you  owe her 12 rupees 50 paise and vice versa."Neither a lender, nor a borrower be"? 

23. Godown 

She is a storehouse of everything . Be it Britannia biscuits , fruits , pickles , noodles or vegetables. She has all of them. But she may or maynot help people when they need. Or she may have them all but the ants and other Arthropods may be feasting over it. 

24. Miss Dua

She is the most religious girl in the hostel.  Her faith in almighty is commendable. She is the go to person before exams and results.

25. Miss RobinHood

She will fight off the mean girls for weak , subtle girls when things go out of the way.

26. The escapist

She has escaped from hostel unlimited times . You wonder how she manages to get permissions , so many times .

27. All gloomy

You want to avoid such girls as much as possible . They are in their own world . They neither benefit nor harm anyone. But seem spooky.

28. The Natural Beauty

You look at her . Ask Almighty ... Why so partial?

So far so much

Feel free to add your inputs!


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