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Mental Prejudice In Medicine

Hello one and all

Posh topic for today !

Our thoughts that make it most difficult to be mentally strong. 

Our self-talk guides our behavior and influences the way we interact with others. It also plays a major role in how you feel about yourself, other people, and the world in general.

Our conscious thoughts aren't realistic ... they're irrational and inaccurate. Believing our irrational thoughts can lead to problems including communication issues, relationship problems, and unhealthy decisions.

1. All-or-Nothing Thinking
Sometimes we see things as being black or white: Perhaps you have two categories of classmates  in your mind—the good ones and the bad ones. Or maybe you look at each academic year as either a success or a failure. Recognize the shades of grey, rather than putting things in terms of all good or all bad.

2. Overgeneralizing
It's easy to take one particular event and generalize it to the rest of our life. If you failed to present one case presentation , you may decide, "I'm bad at case presentation and never do it again 😡." Or if you are treated poorly by one faculty member, you might think, "Everyone in my college faculty  is rude." Take notice of times when an incident may apply to only one specific situation, instead of all other areas of life.

3. Filtering Out the Positive
If nine good things happen, and one bad thing, sometimes we filter out the good and hone in on the bad. Maybe we declare we had a bad day, despite the positive events that occurred. Or maybe we look back at our performance and declare it was terrible because we made a single mistake. Filtering out the positive can prevent you from establishing a realistic outlook on a situation. Develop a balanced outlook by noticing both the positive and the negative.

4. Mind reading
We can never be sure what someone else is thinking. Yet, everyone occasionally assumes they know what's going on in someone else's mind. Thinking things like, "He must have thought I was stupid at the case presentation ," makes inferences that aren't necessarily based on reality. Remind yourself that you may not be making accurate guesses about other people's perceptions.

5. Labeling

Labeling involves putting a name to something. Instead of thinking, "He made a mistake," you might label your neighbor as "an idiot." Labeling people and experiences places them into categories that are often based on isolated incidents. Notice when you try to categorize things and work to avoid placing mental labels on everything

6. Emotional Reasoning
Our emotions aren't always based on reality but we often find those feelings are rational. If you're worried about taking up research , you might assume, "If I'm this scared about it, I just shouldn't risk my academic career for it." Or, you may be tempted to assume, "If I feel like a loser, I must be a loser." It's essential to recognize that emotions, just like our thoughts, aren't always based on the facts.

7. Fortune-telling

Although none of us knows what will happen in the future, we sometimes like to try our hand at fortune-telling. We think things like, "I'm going to embarrass myself tomorrow," or "If I go on a diet , I'll probably just gain weight." These types of thoughts can become self-fulfilling prophecies if you're not careful. When you're predicting doom and gloom, remind yourself of all the other possible outcomes.

8. Personalization

 "She must be mad at me," or if a co-worker is grumpy, you might conclude, "She doesn't like me." When you catch yourself personalizing situations, take time to point out other possible factors that may be influencing the circumstances.

9. Unreal Ideal
Making unfair comparisons about ourselves and other people can ruin our lives . Looking at someone who has achieved much success and thinking, "I should have been able to do that," isn't helpful, especially if that person had some lucky breaks or competitive advantages along the way. Rather than measuring your life against someone else's, commit to focusing on your own path to success.

So far so much!


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