Hello people This banter should not surprise people who commute through College transport . With the call rates getting cheaper and Whatsapp messenger on hand, things are way more simplified . Being a chronic late comer , I have missed my bus innumerable times . Its not that I take too long to get ready 15-20 minutes of time is a luxury in the morning when you can bath , dress , eat and run. But the idea of waiting is not welcome. The psychology behind coming late is that we just hate to wait . We wish to be on time but never want to be there before time. Like you go there . Blink. Stand . Blink. Board. Bye. So , today I'd like to share this funny yet not so funny incident . That shoot my adrenaline and digested the nahari and paaye in 30 minutes . A friend of mine asked me to sign on her behalf As she couldnot come to the college . People in the veil have an advantage of impersonating one another. So I thought to give this a try for the first time. I took a black scar...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.