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Miss.The bus

Hello people
This banter should not surprise people who commute through College transport . 

With the call rates getting cheaper and Whatsapp messenger on hand,  things are way more simplified .

Being a chronic late comer , I have missed my bus innumerable times . Its not that I take too long to get ready 15-20 minutes of time is a luxury in the morning when you can bath , dress , eat and run. But the idea of waiting is not welcome.

The psychology behind coming late is that we just hate to wait . We wish to be on time but never want to be there before time. Like you go there . Blink. Stand . Blink. Board. Bye. 

So , today I'd like to share this funny yet not so funny incident . That shoot my adrenaline and digested the nahari and paaye in 30 minutes .

A friend of mine asked me to sign on her behalf As she couldnot come to the college . People in the veil have an advantage of impersonating one another. So I thought to give this a try for the first time. I took a black scarf and coloured one .
 *tring tring*
 *Hurry up! We'll be at your bus stop in no time.Driver is in no mood to wait * 
Before I don my New matte black Abaya for smooth execution of the plan...
* I don't see you. The driver says he wont't wait *
Buttt.. He is 4 minutes earl... *hanged*

I ask my dad to drop me at the next stop. He agrees.
He kickstarts his bike . I stand still terrified . My abaya's got into the wheel . I scream. He stops the bike pulls it out only to find it sieved and shredded . I run inside change in a second . We start.
Friend calls * Where are you? We've crossed this stop too ! 

*Okay . You carry on Ill board another bus. *
I call other driver and he says he is 20 minutes away . I decide to wait and ask my dad to leave .

Meanwhile , a drunken beggar comes to me . I said I have nothing. He looks at my iphone for a while . Miffed up I run to one end of the road , he follows , I move to the other end . He follows . I go hide behind a building ( I know its stupid) .. He disappears. I sigh , turn around find another beggar already smiling. HOrrified I move to other corner of the road . The drunk beggar reappers. I yell at him. He moves away. I call the driver again. He says he'd take another 30 minutes . I was left wondering is he a college driver or a commercial one. Pissed off I come back home . Look for some comfort . 
*yawns* *Bye*


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