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A love letter to myself

 I know it’s a little awkward and probably slightly embarrassing, but why do you need a love letter , From yourself?
1.  You are worthy of this. 🤘
2. You are loved and you need to know why!👌
3. Nobody knows you better than me! 😎
4. You never got one from anybody else ! 😃😂
5. We’re one hundred percent connected in a way no one could ever understand. 

As far as the awkwardness is concerned ...Maria, you have a never ending list of embarrassing things you have done and this should not scare you.

I love you because you are silly and know how to have fun!

I love you because you know what makes you happy and you surround yourself with it.

I left you floundering on your own, to rely on strength and encouragement from others (strangers) when it was I who should have held you up. When it was I who Should have praised you and appreciated you for the wondrous person you are! For all the beauty and life you bring to this world.

Life hasn’t given you what you hoped and hasn’t turned out the way you thought it would. I know you are disappointed and sometimes feel like a failure. I know you'll pep up in no time with a pizza .But the truth is you are strong and brave and honest and YOU will overcome. You will persevere and come out on the other side more YOU than you’ve ever been before.

When you’re nearing your edge you willingly step back. You are learning to say no, to relax, and to put yourself first.

 I love that some of your favorite “me time” activities and that you realise that you can’t help someone else if you are falling apart. All you can do is be the agony aunt and listen.

You aren’t afraid to take risks, try something new. Land up in troubles due to the insufficient ground work you do. 

I love you because you let yourself be sad. You will sit with it, let yourself cry, and just be there.
Do not waste your time on people who do not believe in you. You don’t need anyone
 like that in your life. 

Try not to rely too much on others for your happiness. There is so much to do! Look at your wardrobe for god sake!
Maria, you are still learning how to be angry, but that’s okay.You know that you get quiet, you definitely don’t like to talk about it, and you’d rather be alone than surrounded by people.

You enjoy learning and searching for ways to grow and expand your knowledge and you know what? That is sexy😜

You’re really not as broken as you think you are. Actually, you are not at all broken. You are mozarella cheese , you stretch. You don't break.You are stronger than anything that has tried to tear you down

You are beginning to be more conscious of your words, learning to fill them with kindness, rather than hurt. You are learning and I love you for that.

People will leave you. On the contrary, you will also leave others. So its tit for tat. Stop complaining. People will disappoint you, and all you can do is learn to appreciate them for what they have taught you. Wear your guard on.

Thank the people who have stayed. 

Fill the spaces of the ones who have gone.

What did you do with that person, who had so much to offer to the world? You hid her behind the security blanket of convention and expectation. You excused yourself by saying you were too this, or too that to do it . Forever lazybug.
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it .

You see people in need and wonder what you can do to help or how you can make their days a little bit easier. I mean, you even made a career out of this! Or lets say you have moulded yourself to the career you chose to be in. Well, its pretty much the same.I love that you are full of love and that you seriously want everyone to be happy!

You are a survivor, not a victim! Remember this!

Mariaaaa! Let go of all the expectations you have created in your head. Accept reality as it comes. Accept life for what it is. 

Remember, everything happens for a particular reason. You are in the exact place you are meant to be right now. Hold on to it responsibly!

So breathe, be patient, and trust the course of your life.

At the end of the day, all you are guaranteed is yourself, never forget this.Nothing else.

 I love that you are learning to speak gentle, encouraging words to yourself...


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