Hey all
Blogging . Blogging . Because am neither studying nor working. So thought of doing thing ... that I effortlessly do... Blog!
I literally wake up someday and feel very lucky. I feel very fortunate. Spend some time eeeing around the mirror . Other days I am a mess. Some days I am Saint unaffected with my surroundings . We all are.
When we go through any emotional confusion it truly affects us on a whole new level. We act completely different and in some cases become entirely new people.
1. Positivity Pauses
In my case I turn into negative nancy! For a fraction of second it is like I deserve to be alone forever... the next second it is , Who cares ! I am amazing and I'll do it with my pace.
2. Self worth doubts
I allow people to drag down my self-esteem. I forget how important and wonderful I truly am! • I am a catch 😎LOL.😇•
3. Stuck in a rut and rant
I fall into a hole and cannot get out for the life .I just cannot seem to break this slump and it gets quite upsetting. I want to go out and do things, but just cannot find the energy to do so.
4. Move on too quickly or not at all
I either dwell on the past too much or jump straight into next study plan .
5. Pot of emotions
I let my emotions fester up like a zit that needs to be popped. There is nothing wrong with letting it all out. Bottling things up is not healthy.
6. Isolation
Cut myself off from the world as if it is going to help when it is not. I need to be surrounded with people who truly care. May be Call a friend and talk things out.
7. Distract
We do what we can to get our minds off of the issue at hand. Find a hobby ,work to stick with it. Accepting the confusion and working through it is the best medicine.
Ok bye ✈️
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