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Showing posts from December, 2017

Things I am thankful for - 1.Almighty

Things I am thankful for -1. Almighty The 24x7 helpline that he is. The best Customercare ever! The one who introduces you to people customised to your situation. Direct wireless connection from Broca's area.  Somebody who doesn't leave me when I stop giving him attention . Somebody who made me normal. When I read about the sporadic pediatric diseases , I thank him for getting me through. When I read about the various natural calamities , I thank him for keeping me safe. When I see an introvert , I thank him for making me able to put my thoughts across. When I see the percentage of blind in the country , I thank him for making me able to read , write and understand not only to my benefit but for the benefit of humanity . I secretly wanted to be a superhero , flying to places , helping people.  I reluctantly joined medicine little did I know he granted me what I wanted in the most legal , legit , decent form. I thank him for th...

I am thankful for - series (Why?)

Hey all! Stress drives me crazy . No , seriously. I get anxious and the quintals of data just evaporates . That's bad. Hurts too.  No bragging , but after being able to read understand things which 90% people on the earth don't even attempt to read . It's feels really miserable . The first thing my anxiety hits is my sleep. I worry about things I don't have . I often forget the simple fact : I don't have it because I don't need it right now. But the anxious mind fails to accept. Doesn't let me sleep.  I happened to go through the feed of an Instagram blogger masoom minawala. Though she belongs to the field totally different from mine . There was this one little thing that hit my amygdala . She posts things she is thankful for. While the rest of the world is boasting about things they are immensely proud of , there is somebody who is thankful for things she has. That's when I realised , it's only when you live in the moment , ...

Casualty postings

The last lear of my internship diaries which sums up my internship mania - casualty postings.The best is saved for the end. I had just turned 23 . Just out of my lazy lousy life. So nervous . But the quintals of experience each day , so much fun , so many tears . It was no less than a TV was so spiced up that fictional shows seemed like bland forced visuals. Ranbir Kapoor had to go to Corsica for self discovery ... I found lighter moments of life in the stinky corridors and ICUs of OGH . No exaggeration here but I think thats kind of a person I am. 9pm : First day (night) in casualty. Enter .  4 steps right. A burns case.  4steps backward. 4 steps straight .  2 steps left . RTA. 2 steps backwards . 4 steps straight A relieved intern post-12hour duty! And a handover. MLCs ( medicolegal cases) A book . 2 stamps . A sarkari bench to seat. I felt like a perfect government employee juggling with the stamps .The moment you begin ...