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Casualty postings

The last lear of my internship diaries which sums up my internship mania - casualty postings.The best is saved for the end.
I had just turned 23 . Just out of my lazy lousy life. So nervous . But the quintals of experience each day , so much fun , so many tears . It was no less than a TV was so spiced up that fictional shows seemed like bland forced visuals.

Ranbir Kapoor had to go to Corsica for self discovery ... I found lighter moments of life in the stinky corridors and ICUs of OGH . No exaggeration here but I think thats kind of a person I am.

9pm : First day (night) in casualty. Enter
4 steps right. A burns case. 
4steps backward. 4 steps straight . 
2 steps left . RTA.
2 steps backwards . 4 steps straight
A relieved intern post-12hour duty! And a handover.

MLCs ( medicolegal cases)
A book . 2 stamps . A sarkari bench to seat. I felt like a perfect government employee juggling with the stamps .The moment you begin to find things funny and follow the leads , your life turns into a drama series and you begin to enjoy every bit of it . The best part is you can rewind it , laugh on it , shed a tear or two... without any buffering.

So , I get to deal with sober to total jerks. Coming from a protected backdrop like an all girls college , Muslim conservative family . All the baddies I saw were from Bollywood and Ekta Kapoor's drama. So , just imagine Actually talking to criminals ! How cool is that.  Drunken driving , homicide , suicide cases ! And you are there in full authority asking them questions! ( How cool is that! )

Police inspectors standing in queue requesting you , Madam please !  ( The Boss feels) I had visuals of policeman as really mean people harassing the common man. Now they stand there , requesting you to attend them first? Sounds cool! MBBS karke Galti nai ki yaar! My 4 years are worth this much atleast. 
There were times I was writing MLCs for both parties who had a massive brawl . The convict and the victim. I mean , from somebody for whom the massive fight was throwing a Chappal at a sibling , attending to all such cases was all new experience.


I found it like organic chemistry , the moment you think you have figured it out . You mess it up!

Dealing with ANSC PGs
They were like our neighbours . We would go knock their door every now and then. 

The casualty train
My casualty co interns had amazing observation skills . We came up with the hypothesis of Casualty Train to explain the patient flow in casualty. 
There was this imaginary train that drops all cases at once , then there is vacuum.

For 45 min like a deserted station followed by a houseful situation .

The hiv patient
HIV and TB in OGH ( Osmania General Hospital ) was like flu and acidity since it's a tertiary health centre . 
While jotting down history , I ask the patients attender about personal history .If there is any history of Diabetes / Hypertension etc . To which the attender replied . 
No madam he doesn't have any such disease . Bus HIV ka thoda problem hai !
It's when I realised , problems are subjective.

Poisoning case
OGH casualty sees dozens of poisoning cases daily . Some people regret immediately. Some don't . And some just do it for attention. 
There was this case where a lady saw this dirty gastric lavage pipe and refused to get it done . On enquiring , we got to know that she had not ingested anything but it was a mere attention seeking antic! 

When you have lively people around , work is always fun. Its easier to get over those leisure hours. So , I was lucky to have fantastic co interns!

From having a Shawarma party To Pizza party for lunch! It was amazing ( Foodie soul I am ) .

Cutting a cake just for the heck of it ! We celebrated every single moment for no reason. 

Late Night icecreams 
The best part about having scoops nearby is late night Ice cream! God bless those people for keeping their store open till midnight . My Night duties got Life from those scoops😇
Also Much overrated Ram Ki Bandi for 4AM food!

Okay . So here I end my internship series! 


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