Serious stuff
Note: Such incidents are a common thing for people from Day 1 of your housejob. You never know what threat you’d be exposed to. Our condition to be honest is worse than soldiers. Soldiers atleast know that they’d die on war . A bomb is expected at the border or a bullet on field. They die an instant death . We are just unaware! Somebody may just knock your door one fine day stating look my mother is really sick , help me out . It’s an emergency. You roll over your sleeves . Manage the case . Only to find the reports stating positivity to viral markers.
Better keep yourself vaccinated to hepatitis B atleast . Hep C and HIV we just can’t help!

A similar episode happened . An ERPhysician from another hospital walked in to inform us that he was leading an ambulance. A patient is supposed to arrive. He had done CPR on insistence of the family. He was having his meal when the call for help came. He just had to leave everything and go. His resuscitation attempts failed as the patient had collapsed about 20 min back . They got the patient here only for confirmation and he left as he had some work. My senior received the case. Declared him dead. Later they showed his old files which Said HCV positive. We could say nothing . Do nothing. You often feel like thrashing the attendants for such oversmart actions.
Note: Such incidents are a common thing for people from Day 1 of your housejob. You never know what threat you’d be exposed to. Our condition to be honest is worse than soldiers. Soldiers atleast know that they’d die on war . A bomb is expected at the border or a bullet on field. They die an instant death . We are just unaware! Somebody may just knock your door one fine day stating look my mother is really sick , help me out . It’s an emergency. You roll over your sleeves . Manage the case . Only to find the reports stating positivity to viral markers.
Better keep yourself vaccinated to hepatitis B atleast . Hep C and HIV we just can’t help!

A similar episode happened . An ERPhysician from another hospital walked in to inform us that he was leading an ambulance. A patient is supposed to arrive. He had done CPR on insistence of the family. He was having his meal when the call for help came. He just had to leave everything and go. His resuscitation attempts failed as the patient had collapsed about 20 min back . They got the patient here only for confirmation and he left as he had some work. My senior received the case. Declared him dead. Later they showed his old files which Said HCV positive. We could say nothing . Do nothing. You often feel like thrashing the attendants for such oversmart actions.
55 year female brought to ER in unconscious state (E1V1M1) not responding to DPS . Previous history of admission and LAMA from our ER for ?insect bite anaphylaxis ?Diabetic Ketoacidosis .In the same GCS since 2 days. Admitted in a government hospital , administered antibiotics , diuretics and LAMA from there also. K/C/O DM on medication . Urine output about 1 lit per day
On arrival BP 80/60
PR feeble
Saturations 75%
Grbs ( slightly elevated, don’t remember how much)
Temp : normal
Patient unconscious
S1 s2 +
Bae conductive sounds
Pupils 2mm+
right eye swollen thi function gone
Nose was red , skin peeled off like that of a burns patient.
?Mucormycosis suspect kare usko
Fluid bolus
Hydrocortisone iv
Noradrenaline drip started
Consent taken
Preoxygenation for about 5-10 min
Intubated with
Midaz (sedative) n rocuronium (paralytic) size 7 ETtube
5 point auscultation done
Saturations improves to 81 later started falling to 60.
Positioning checked again. ET was more on right side . Pulled back . Saturations improved. Connected to brains circuit . 16 breaths / min yaad hai bus.Shifting started . Meanwhile patient had cardiac arrest , adrenaline 2 shots given . Revived .
CPR started without gloves.
When you see a patient crash. The adrenaline rush won’t let you think about gloves. All it thinks of is no pulse . Press hard press fast. Let’s get the damn pulse back!
Started on fluconazole dose don’t remember BP around 80-90/60.Shifted to ICU
There it went to 60 systolic .
Somehow all her investigations were present except for viral markers. Sent . Later got to know she was hbsag positive.
It was first intubation of One of my colleagues , he was happy he did it. When we called him to inform about the status of the patient . There was silence. The doctor who had done the CPR without gloves was disappointed too!
Aw wt loss , generalised weakness, cough c mucoid expectorantion mucoid since 3 weeks.
Burning sensation in chest on n off
No fever / wt loss / burning micturation /
Smoker alcoholic . No cad / asthma/epilepsy . NKDA.
LAma from corporate hospital.
They had insurance . I thought they had come here for the same.
Bp 110/70
Pr 110/min
Grbs 112 something
Temp 98.7
RR 35%
Thin built
Gcs e4v5m6
Cvs s1 s2 +
* Rs decreased air entry on R side with b/l wheeze in basal segment
While auscultation he started coughing. I moved away got a mask . Continued examination.
Missed CNS N PA which I usually do
LE. No pedal edema.
CBP Normal
Esr elevated
ALP elevated
Bilirubin Normal limits
CXR right middle lobe opacity
AFB negative advised repeat sample
Usg Normal study
Meanwhile they called me for ambu.
I was not wearing gloves . The head nurse insisted that I wear. Wore continued . Baaki sab karke. After intubation replaced OPA .
Alhamdulillah, mask against one patient helped for another case also.
Treatment wise
Connected 4l o2
Nebulisation given Duolin n budecort
InJ hydrocort 200mg is stat
InJ pan zofer
He improved. Chill Baith gayaa . Full active hoke khaana poochna start kardiya.
Spoke to consultant. Bhejdo bole since gEnterologist not available. 😒
Consultants have a choice. ERPs don’t .
So far so much bye!
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