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Air Ambulance for the first time

On Hey all,
Long time. For a change, I was busy. Adapting to change.
But this one thing, I could not bottle up in my tummy. So vomiting it here .
My third ambulance duty.

The first being a race course one, second a serious one, third one ... The high profile air ambulance pick up!

This Id Ul Adha , I come home at 10am post duty. Because man , Holidays in residency are expensive. Do the Id chores, prepare biryani , gulab jamuns. Sit jobless ... Looking for some fun.

I was really bored my friend  calls up.I tell her , I'm bored.She's like, Are u serious? You better get married. Bakrid ka kaam pata lagega. Poor one. She was so done with sorting mutton. She asks for my address , I was glad she did because I thought I'll have some company! Meanwhile cribbing at my brothers for not getting me pirated movies.

I get a call from ambulance centre.Saying madam you have a duty today. Remember?
These ambulance duties fall once a month . And I had already got one .Before I could respond he says, Madam,  the patient is arriving in a chopper at begumpet airport ... The patient is absolutely stable. We gotta go pick and drop him at the ER.

I was like woaah ! Air ambulance and all!I sprung up from my lazy position and was like dude ! Get going! Mom dad , I got ambulance duty ... I got to go!

My parents were like,
You just came home at 10am after 18hour shift , And you want to go back to work. What are your work mathematics please explain?
Mumma , Emergency emergency hoti hai... Aap nai samjhoge!  I don't have time to explainAll that. See there is chopper,Air ambulance and I got to gooo!!! Dad please drop me at the hospital ! 

You know , I am a Girl on wheels !
I dress out of the girly ID costume, Put on sneakers , Apron , ready to go!

I go there and everybody at ER is like , Dude? Aaj ID hai na. Why you on duty? At this hour... You should be home! I be like Ambulance duty people! Hiding all that excitement because nazar issues you know

I go at the counter show up.
They're like madam the take off is delayed by an hour.

I get back to ER and my dayalu batch mates handover discharges. Yaar free hai na , type karde. I type about 3 discharges to kill time.

My friend who was supposed to drop by starts yelling at me.
"Are you serious, you gotta be kidding. Duty on ID. You could have bluntly refused.Your ambulance duty is up to 8pm.It's 8PM now. Tell them you're not coming.Just walk out. You get me.How do you think you'll go out at this hour of night in ambulance.You're not going . You get me?"

She was getting mad like a mom. And I was like a kid , dying to go out and play.
So I am like , " Ya you're right. I'll get back to you in a jiffy."

Overtime ,  I give deep thoughts over this. I'd no other work also.I suddenly started to feel like an Abla naari who's being exploited on festive day of hers.After she has worked for good 18hours. Mean world and all that.

I walked up to the counter, threatened them 藍. More than 8:15,I  am walking out. Call the other doctor on duty. I didn't want to but my friends point also seemed legit . A see saw situation.
I further thought for a while and I was like , no , I've come out of my comfort zone to do this! Am not going back. It's going to be great!

Meekly I prayed
Ya Allah,  chop mat karaiye bus!

I head back to the counter at 8  and ask . Another 15 min.At 845pm we started.We reach the airport which was once so populous. Now deserted .Not a creature in the sight.The dogs there were fighting fiercely. We looked around for some human who would take us in the aerodrome. After waiting for another 20 min , Some humanly creature arrives and asks Why have you guys come 1.5 hour early!

The ambulance is scheduled to land at 10:40 pm.I was so mad, that I started laughing loudly.
We got prearrival info that the patient is stable.
But the guy  there told that the patient is so critical that the docs there have given up on him.And 1 hour delay was because they wanted to assess and reassess before shifting.They patient is so critical that he may collapse in the flight .

I look at the paramedic. He smiles at me and is like. No problem madam. If he is critical also madam , will intubate him here .I frown at him. But then I could do nothing. So nodded.
I call up my friends and tell them the funny narrative and how drama and I are attached.I was about to doze off  when the paramedic opens the door and says,
"Madam! Breaking news!The patient expired  in the flight."

You know what , I had this intuition.I held my head , and started laughing at the drama. Okay no problem.Either of the ways. We have to receive him.Then the chopper arrives.
The doctor walks down the ambulance. The paramedic asks him about the patients condition. He refuses to say.

Just get the patient out! And will let you know!
Then we were adamant that without assessing the patient we can't take over the case.
So I walk into the airambulance to assess the patient. I thought I would not get a chance to see.He was dead for more than 2 hours.His limbs were in rigor.

I asked them if they tried to resuscitate?
He was in rigor even before they boarded.Why did you fly him down here?

Mam I could feel feeble pulse. For satisfaction we got him here.
This is how people waste resources!
It was sad . The patient was just 29 with hemorrhagic fever.So we took them to nearby hospital. Got them death certificate. And I came home at 12:30am.
Every body at home is super excited waiting to listen to what happened.Unconventional, because usually you get yelled at for coming home late. They've gotten used to my lifestyle.
So far so much!


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