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Emergency Medicine not good for women: 10 Idiotic reasons Why!

Hey people!

I really appreciate your patience to read my banter each time. I genuinely look up to the feedback I get in personal messages. Today , again will be about emergency medicine. With academic years ending many people asked me how emergency medicine is like ? What better platform other than my blog to talk about it?

My choice of emergency medicine as a speciality of choice has not been palatable to many people I meet everyday.

1.Very hectic

Grow up. Residency is hectic everywhere! You HAVE to slog . Noway out. Be it USA , UK , India .Be it internal medicine , Surgery , Pathology. There are sleepless nights, minimal to no family life. Remember internship? extended 3 years plus thrice the stress and responsibility.
My choice of emergency medicine as a speciality of choice has not been palatable to many people I meet everyday.

2. Disturbed Family Life.

Joke? Medical Residents all round the world have disturbed family life . Some have a little more , some have a little less. Ever heard a  schoolteacher in midst of a serious class stop to take a call? Rarely . Ever heard a board room member stop to take a call? Ever heard people take a call in
a courtroom?

NO! Then why are emergency physicians a soft target? You have priorities.At least you have your full life at your disposal after you're done with the shift.

 Any lady who steps out of the house to work has certain things at stake. Ours are a little more or less. When you are out for certain work you're out. Heavy duty work , a gossip kind of a job doesn't matter!

3.No future

Really! Are you serious?
Will google guide rapid sequence intubation ?
Will the robotic technology relieve tension pneumothorax with needle decompression?
 Will your med-app assess fall in GCS?
Will the FAQs of your behind the scenes doctors counsel the attendants about poor prognosis of the patient? HELL NOOOOO!
Emergency Medicine IS the PRESENT and THE FUTURE. You don't go to Unani or Ayurveda during exacerbation of a disease. You rush to ER!
Think about it!


"It has better future abroad, India is not a right place."
With the crazy startup culture India has got , uber ola zomato swiggy. You think anything here is unattainable. In fact you can try and err in a setup like India has. You can reach new heights. Every direction you throw a dart in , you would hit a bulls eye!

5.Dependent Field

You think surgery is independent. You think Gynecology is independent or is anaesthesia or Orthopedics? Its like a foodweb honey ! Everybody needs everybody.

6. Handling a mob
Every doctor who handles critical cases in India tends to deal with a mob. Women are told to be Obstetrician and Gynecologists. You think they don't handle mobs and emotionally labile people. They do . Everybody does. Its just that emergency department is a little more than the others.  But if handled skillfully , that won't seem like a nuisance anymore.

7.EM is saturated

There is no limit to the number of Emergency Doctors that are required in Emergency Room. The more the number, better it is ! Why? Better attention. Better patient response. Better footfall . Good for the hospital. Less negligence. Less burnout.There is always a requirement.When in pain you want to be immediately attended.


Women are multi taskers already. Never seen your mum make breakfast, also press your clothes , also directing you to find your lost notebook ,also yelling at your father for not helping out , also checking on house help if she's cleaning the utensils right. What do you think ER is like... Pretty much the same.

9. Credit

You're never given the whole credit. 
Look if you're somebody who seeks for approval from people for the things you do , then let me tell you straight away - Dude , you're in the wrong lane ! 
Emergency Medicine gives you immense satisfaction. The person struggling to breathe is comfortable now. The person in pain is pain free now!  Your early recognition of stroke saved a life. Your early recognition saving a young MI patient. These feelings are irreplaceable!

10. Moving out
Nobody can move around like a ER physician -trust me on this . You don't have loyalties. Bronchial Asthma is same in KanyaKumari or Kashmir.You don't need detailed history so that way even language is not an issue. People will have no choice but to come to Emergency. Their midaged physician will be too lazy to walk down from his outpatient department to see. You're the boss then! Anywhere ! Travel where you like , like a free bird.

So far so much!


  1. "EM is saturated" HAHAHAHAHAH. People who say this should upgrade their GK. MD in EM was recognised as a course in India by MCI only in 2010. Most top medical colleges don't even have recognition for MD EM courses. How the heck can it be "saturated"? -_-

    Right now is the best time to be a doctor in India. We might be facing shortage of seats, poor pay, assault. But in the years to come investment on health will increase and things will be better

    Things are already better than 2010. We have a single window exam for UG, PG and SS. Better quality students have been joining even through management quota. Overall quality of education has slightly improved because better quality of candidates are joining medicine.

    And this so called saturation is only in the top corporates of tier 1 cities. Move 100-150 km away from the city and you'll realise that most tier 3 towns don't even have decent general practitioners. Forget surgeons, ophthalmologists and surgical gastros. Most district headquarters and medical colleges don't even have proper burns units.

    Every Tom, Dick and Harry does DM /MCh and expects that Apollo, Yashoda, Fortis, etc will be ready to give him a job with a hefty paycheck. It's like doing MD in SPM thinking that WHO is ready to hire you🙄

    And this concept of fields being 'independent' probably refers to the potential of running your own private practice with minimal infrastructural requirements. In that sense MD internal medicine and pediatrics might seem convenient as you can start your own clinic even in a 4*4 room. But everyone knows that the earning potential is more only in the hospital setting. Every speciality has to collaborate with the others in order to sustain itself. People should stop propagating such useless opinions.

  2. I really like this post. Thank you for sharing this post. I hope you will share more content about Gynecologists.
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