Hey people Hope everyone is doing well . People who are messing up , bhai hum saath saath hai. I do embarrassing stuff quite many times. Good stuff comes in between but mostly it's embarrassing stuff . I am so used to it that the biggest embarrassing thing does not last for more than a day in my mind. I have learnt to move on. There were a couple of incidents when I met a blind people and I could not make out that they were actually blind even though my nursing staff could. Dumb girl alert! Incident #1 A 70 year old man who is brought into the emergency room by his relatives with history of weakness and has upper and lower limbs and inability to speak. Like any other emergency physician I was more inclined towards keeping his ABC secure so I looked for his gcs he didn't move his limbs I kept giving him the pain stimulus and it open his eyes neither did he open his eyes ,all I could see is a response to deep pain stimulus , inappropriate soundsand I obviously give him a...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.