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Best time of the century to be EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN

Hey Quarantine Population, 
It's been a while that I wanted to write this article. The title itself tells you how excited I am to share this. 
No Bragging , but I've always been proud of my department and field .The care is delivered in the crisis never fails to amaze me. I feel very privileged to be in my residency during this pandemic.
Yet again I feel really proud to be one of the frontliners in the COVID_19 pandemic.
When even the loved ones are hesitant to touch a person, we take a call to talk , empathise , counsel and treat them. 
The job of a emergency physician is only getting more critical as most of the specialists are scared of the pandemic. The first thing they ask before walking in is , is there a COVID suspect in there? 
So we are donning multiple caps being a physicians, cardiologists, orthopedics , nephrologists , radiologists etc. 
Multiple roles include
1.  Informers : To the local authorities about the pandemics.
2. Intelligence experts : Screening every person with low threshold so that we don't expose rest of the hospital staff to the highly virulent virus.
3. Police : As soon as we suspect we immediately isolate the patient , and do the required treatment . Thus ensuring security of the community.
4. Psychotherapists : The panic that the world is under because of the corona pandemic , be it answering innumerable doubts on calls and in triage of the department. We are psychotherapists.
5. Telemedicine : Be it guiding them to hospital or giving essential life saving advice , we are jack of telemedicine trade too!

6. Social Workers : After a death , it takes some time for hospital social workers to walk in. Providing social support and empathy again forms the crux of emergency department.
7. Superspecialists : Ask any emergency physician in the world about how scared superspecialists are to touch a patient , you would know. Donning multiple feathers in our caps . Its fun handling every damn emergency with utmost care , with personal protective equipments ! 

8. Victims cum Heroes : We are exposed to germs from the most unexpected sources. Handling everything with a brave heart and good personal protective equipments.
9. Performing procedures in most unusual positions with minimal equipment and shortest duration of time. 

10. Airway , Airway! Its the most uncertain thing ,any anaesthetist or emergency physician will  swear on it. Yet the most loved procedure is endotracheal intubation.
11. Being biomedics : You know the tug of war between human and machines. Any one can dump you anytime. Handling the beeping aunties and critical care till the patient is shifted to ICU.
so far so much!


  1. We do feel the pain, when any patient can't make it.... As a family member...!


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