Hey all ,
As emergency physicians we take not less than 30-40 decisions per minute. As a team leader it only multiplies. You have to be accountable not just for your mistake but everybody elses mistake. This marathon of decisions goes for 6-7 hours or if its a night shift for 12 hours . So for a 12 hour shift around 43 thousand decisions .
Every thing is supposed to be accountable sensible and legit. Lot of trouble shooting. You reach home , crash on bed and not move. No calls made, no decisions to take . Yes , the mind reacts like a car that was running at speed of 120/min suddenly hits a brake . You are likely to have concussion and multiple injuries. The same way if not tamed , the mind thinks and overthinks.There needs to be a regulator. Trying to looks for one because the long flight of thoughts my mind is taking is leaving my body in fatigue.
So far so much.
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