Hello everybody I hope everybody is safe and healthy. it's been a while that I've been receiving lot of patients in the emergency with mental illness ,thought of sharing an incident of its kind. Not sure if its the awareness of mental health these days or the pandemic, I am developing keen interest in patients with mental illness .I try to take an extra effort to make them feel comfortable and try to create an insight of what is happening and offer them options of what all can be done. Since this it seems like a step towards patient care , I thought I'd share it here as well. This would probably not be the best approach but I welcome any type of constructive criticism , additions or subtraction to my approach because end of the day we are here for best patient care. A 50 years plus old gentleman ,presented to the emergency with the complaints of chest pain radiating to left arm , breathing difficulty, choking sensation in the throat, inability to open his ey...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.
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