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Showing posts from March, 2021


Types of requests

Hey all today I got to know about the types of requests Action Request - where you ask someone to do a specific task,go to the store and buy milk or write a 10-page report.  Connection Request - where you ask someone to do something that will help you connect with them or that will help them connect to you. This usually comes up when one person wants to be heard or understood, or when someone wants to know how another person feels about what he said.  When needs are general, requests are specific. Tell me whether you hear a request in the following statement: 1. Wouldn't you like to go bowling tonight?  Is a clear request made? There is no clear request made. This statement could mean several things and the speaker has not made it clear what he wants. Such a vague question could mean that the speaker would like to go bowling or maybe he's asking his friend to go bowling with him or he simply wants to know if his friend wants to bowl tonight. Remember that reques...

Get up

Hey all ,  There are days when you want to nap , there are days when you want to work your ass off... There are days when you don't want to move. There are days when you're by yourself. There are days when you have to talk to yourself. This is from one of such pep talks of mine to myself. Get up , because you were born to be the change Get up , because it is time to see the change Get up , to see the bigger picture Get up , to get going Get up , to touch more lives Get up , to save more lives Get up , to show gratitude Get up , to be thankful to the almighty Get up , to train to save lives Get up , to show humility Get up , to dust off the pride Get up to get going. So far so much.