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Accepting Emergency Medicine - When EM is a chance but not a choice

Hello people,
I found a comment on my youtube channel , it was by somebody who has not chosen emergency medicine by choice but happened by chance.
So , this doctor has issues "accepting" Emergency Medicine as his speciality .One cannot force ones thoughts over other but... I did share my perspective.

Here is the comment.

However my opinion is as follows

It's a practice in good institutions to let residents perform the procedure independently after they are done assisting and doing it under supervision. Your active participation is must. I have been intubating patient since 3rd month of my residency. We let a junior in 4th month intubate under supervision.Soft skills help. You can try simulation first.

You can superspecialise . The growth never stops. If you give your mrcem exams , you can superspecialise with FRCEM.

My advice , your call whether you take it or leave it. Money- You ll make it everywhere. The level of IQ you have , you can do wonders in any fields. EM requires certain level of commitment and persistence , if you think you're looking for something else , you have your choices to make. 

Donot compare your growth curve with growth curve of other speciality. 

You can't compare a neem and coconut tree. Attend CMEs and socialize with people of the field. Exposure I guess will help .

EM will not grow by itself, we need to nurture it. It's  growing in India. Just like technology. To wait or nurture or fly somewhere is your choice to make. Nothing comes easy! 

Any new speciality has its own time to get accepted. In 2021 , this should not come as a surprise. People are breaking the ceiling. Getting in new ideas and applying them. Crypto currency , digital marketing, influencer , etc 15 years from now all this might have been a dream.

Emergency medicine is the new cool.

So far so much


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