Hello people I have been wanting to write this article for a while now. It's not that I figured out everything in life but I definitely think I have moved a step further in my life. So learning one thing at a time. So , the stuff I have learned over past one year is so much that I cannot total it with stuff that I have learned in past 4 years on whole. Here are some major things. 1. Say No . The easiest word to spell after the word " I ", but most difficult to put across. It was very difficult when I said it for the first time but as I began practicing it it became easier and easier and I felt better and better. Still working on it. 2. All Ears For an extrovert like me the most difficult or challenging thing has been to listen. A harsh critic that I am ,I could zero down that I am a bad listener. I looked over it to go back see it and started working on listening , on what people have to say without taking my input, however the crappy the idea was to let the...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.