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RCEM Annual Virtual Conference : My experience

Hello people 

I have been attending these conferences very mindfully. I would want to discuss this one as I think would be useful to other emergency physicians looking to update themselves with advancement and emergency departments. We work as teams in emergency department. The teams grow by lifting each other. So here is the first step. 

Today, will be discussing the Royal College of Emergency medicines annual scientific conference 2021.

What was it ? 
Annual scientific conference for an emergency medicine by Royal College of Emergency medicine .

This was scheduled between 5-7th October 2021.
How do you get there? 
1)You'll buy tickets from the website

How much do I pay?
you pay them but there are good discounts ,if you're a  student / consultant or if you belong to low or middle income countries.
They also have scholarships for annual scientific conference the scholarships gives you free access to the conference and free entry into one of the pre-conference workshop.

How to get the scholarship ?
A notice released for about 2-3 months prior to the conference so you leave a email why you would want the scholarship and wait. Follow Rcemevents for updates.

My experience
Workshop :
I had chosen pre hospital emergency medicine as my workshop. The workshop was fun. That happens to be my speciality of interest. There were very sensitive issues and the best part where the debate where physicians of different opinions were putting across their points in a very professional manner. Very informative and through light or pros and cons of any side we take in a pre-hospital care setup. The studies they have done in free hospital emergency medicine were also amazing. especially the one that had free role of free hospital ultrasound.
Limitation of it being very few a hospitals in India have ACLS equipped ambulance, HEMS in infancy, that has really good stuff or a physician handling pre hospital care scenarios so them handling blood products them doing ultrasound here is a far-fetched dream probably it would take about 5 years for us to be there
otherwise my favorite part were the debates. Handsdown speakers! It's always good to learn development and apply as per our local norms.

The best and the worst part
There's no worst part.
The best part is that you get to see the presentation from across the world online like without paying for your tickets... Haha! Saves pocket crunch.

I'm going to the day one two three there were certain selected posters and presentations. 
I'd like to share two studies with you credit I can only tell you briefly about it because I have not taken the rights from the respective owners and I came to share about it .

There were amazing papers on pediatric emergency medicine and various aspects of emergency medicine but my favorite and more applicable are relatable research papers were the ones below. That is that could be applicable in adult emergency department in India.

The hot debrief study was by Shobha James , Prakash Subedi
I found the studies so good that I had about an hour long discussion with my ED team about it in our weekly meet today itself!
The content is available for about a year that you can review. They are amazing studies to get inspired from . The research we have going on in emergency is is diverse than the research going on in sub-Saharan continent that happens to have a low to middle income countries like us . We are somewhere in between them and the UK. So things are pretty different but it's always good to learn from people of different perspectives and to have more open-mindedness.

How are you keeping yourself updated about the progress in your specialty? drop down the comments.
So far so much


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    1. Thank you so much . It was such a positive sight to wake up to 😊

  2. The article you've shared here is fantastic because it provides some excellent information that will be incredibly beneficial to me. Thank you for sharing about virtual conference for maintenance planning. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you so much . I am so glad it was of use to you. Please keep following, exciting stuff coming up😊


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