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Turning 28 , What past year taught me...

Hello people 
I have been wanting to write this article for a while now. It's not that I figured out everything in life but I definitely think I have moved a step further in my life. So learning one thing at a time.

So , the stuff I have learned over past one year is so much that I cannot total it with stuff that I have learned in past 4 years on whole.

Here are some major things.
1. Say No
The easiest word to spell after the word " I ", but most difficult to put across. It was very difficult when I said it for the first time but as I began practicing it it became easier and easier and I felt better and better. Still working on it.

2. All Ears
For an extrovert like me the most difficult or challenging thing has been to listen. A harsh critic that I am ,I could zero down that I am a bad listener. I looked over it to go back see it and started working on listening , on what people have to say without taking my input, however the crappy the idea was to let them be happy smiling in the crap rather than frown at my feedback of the truth. 

3. Financial Literacy
The first 28 years of life were all about learning various communication skills, learning to save lives, learning not to fall in a mess. This one skill that my parents and friends wanted me to learn since a really long time and that I had been procrastinating all my life is to educate myself about finances. I can tell you I am at kindergarten level with respect to that, but making enough to learn it. Be it my income, stocks , funds working hard to join the game. I know as a genY , I am pretty late before the super GenZ . The The only person I should be competing with is me , so working hard to be smarter version of myself.

4. New Endeavours
Life is too short to Just be a doctor so looking into various things around is so satisfying knowledge-wise and also fills up the insatiable curiosity. 

5. Travel
Traveling is so enriching so refreshing. The importance of travel, the importance of change in atmosphere.The pandemic made me value it more!

6. Health
Health before everything. I had a very bad year with respect to my physical and mental health.Vaccinated people individuals turn out to be the strongest. Since I've survived it, it made me stronger. It made me realise the importance of good physical and mental health. Made me exercise things in order to strengthen my physical and mental immunity.
Healthy > Wise> Wealthy . 
7. Being Nice
That is a thin line between being a people pleaser and just being nice. I think past one year I have leveled up my game, but still a long way to go. Just being nice to strangers or anybody takes you a long way. Help random people without expecting anything. 

8. Rules are meant to be broken
Rules are nothing but protocols made to make functioning of individuals smoother and life easier. If they are not serving the purpose and start to make your moment difficult , losen them or break free.
9. Diversification of portfolio
Learnt it hardway. That is a reason why people say works live balance. Invest in people, they are your assets too. It can be your friends ,your family , your colleagues, your neighbors, your relatives. My experience is help comes from unexpected places and unexpected times .

10. Financial independence
It's already tricky thing. People usually think financial independence is independent to spend in anything. I've realized is it is independence to invest your money by yourself and take charge of the losses you make and pride in the profits you make. You take charge of everything. Not yet there. 

11. Communicating Needs across
People are not mind readers ,you need to say what you need at the moment . You'd be surprised to see how much people are willing to help you out I just have to get out of your head.

12. Communicating Boundaries to people
communicating to people about what you're okay discussing. communicating to people when you are not available. communicating to people clearly of the access they can have to you.

13. Facing Failures
I have failed my exam twice . Every failure opened me to something amazing every 6 months so I'm not complaining. 

14. Mental Block unlock
Getting the so-called supposed mental blocks from my mind has taken me to new places one example being the EM code the YouTube channel I run. There are many but let's talk about one at a time. 

15. Value of money
Well 😊 Money gives you freedom to pursue dreams. It helps you to learn new skills. Helps you reach more people. Save more lives. ( yes!) 

16. Solution oriented approach
Something I have learned from my parents and mentors. I've actually started applying it in life , it helps!

The only way to beat burnout is taking good rest and learning new things everyday!

So far so much


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