Hey people I cleared my RCEM intermediate /SAQ exam. Good 10 days late in sharing the blog. It took me some time to put my mind together to jot down this post. The number of thoughts in words couldnt sync so it took a while. I jot down my failures and successes in this blog to optimise my mood. I did not celebrate my success. Honestly, it was more of relief than happiness. I am immensely thankful to the almighty for my failures, as they helped me optimize my lifestyle. November 2020 was the first time I failed an exam in 27 years of my life despite preparing well.I failed with a handful of marks. It took me good time to digest it. I still cut a cake to celebrate it. That was the first time I took a while and reviewed my life. I took a while to wait and blame the thing that caused my failure, I could see my anxiety tall and stout. I worked on controlling my exam anxiety. March 2021 , I failed again. this time it was the exam , it was pretty tough for average...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.