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Showing posts from August, 2022

Undermining in ED - A common sight

Hi all This us again not an original article written by me. but found this article too good, not to reshare. Ill share the link to the orginal article at the end of the post. Having seen this in and out of department since day 1 of working in corporate hospital , felt nice as I found more literature on this topic. I am yet to study in detail about it. A gist of articles and tools you can use to make your or your colleagues life easy.  I would be surprised if you told me that you've never seen or experienced it at some point of your career.But we can work towards making the life easier for our colleagues just by acknowledging it. It happens in the ED , ICU , wards everywhere.   Being a healthcare professional is about lifelong learning, and occasionally getting things wrong. We have a duty to provide feedback to colleagues about this and take on board feedback ourselves. Sometimes when feedback is given, with the intention of improving competence and confidence ov...