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Clearing IELTS. FAQs and resources

Hey all, 
This is the only page where I think I can flex the fact that my parents endeavour to send me to English medium school was successful.
It's required to register your MRCEM qualification with British Medical Council.
Why IELTS over OET?
Doctors are paid peanuts in India. I didn't want to spend money over an English Exam. 
My Result? I got 8 overal . So , I qualify to give you 2 cents on what and how to study.
Online or offline? I recommend taking online exam, its smoother and less stressful.
Coaching? No. Longlive YouTube.
How long did I take to prepare? 1 month lazing around. Focussed 8 days.
What all did I read?  Read the article.
Understanding Ielts pattern. 
1)This is a great video where the speaker in her Indian accent explains about the exam pattern and how to get through.

2) E2 is all about English exams. They speak British English accent. Their videos are to the point. In fact, sometimes overboard. They have about 20lakhs + subscribers, that's for a reason. Donot purchase the paid subscription, not worth it.

3) Donot enter the examination hall until you solve the question papers in your ielts handbook which you will receive after you sign up for your exam by post. 

Listening :
1. Nothing beats
free mock tests. 
2.Watch British shows or podcasts.
I watch Michael Husseys videos. In addition to a great presence of mind, he speaks fluent British English. Produces engaging content.
3.Radhi Devlukia, British Indian YouTuber has an engaging channel.
4.Halalgirlnewyork, Shirin Syed, a British doctor exploring New York. Her youtube channel and Instagram channel around preparation for USMLE and lifestyle of a doctor.
5.British English movies - Bridgeton series, the crown, Sherlock etc
Its very important to enjoy what you're learning. I strongly believe in it.
Here are some videos that might help. 

1)There is no magic mantra. Sit down and focus. 
2) for free mock tests.
3) My brother had given me a practise book from an ielts coaching centre. I don't recommend those books. The content they have is outdated and doesnot create exam environment. 
4)Sit down right infront of your computer screen. Focus on questions first. The answers are usually in ascending order of paragraphs. I'll attach the links, check them out.

Understand that they are not judging your knowledge and opinions. So, go easy on being creative.
All you have to do is be a Kareena Kapoor from Jab we met or Kartik Aryan from Punchnama series.
Use all types of sentences.Simple, complex with all possible conjuctions.Imagine having last pieces of clothing and you want to fit it into your baggage.Check out these resources, these are essential.
A.Don't repeat words. 
B. Try complex sentences 
C.Insert conjunctions wherever necessary
D. Answer to the point first and then expand your answers

Practise commonly asked topics with your friends before you land into the exam hall.


Indians miss out on this with 1 mark usually.
Firstly, write essays and filter on grammarly or MS Word to skim out spelling mistakes, misplaced articles and improper vocabulary.
You can practise writing and ask Chatgpt to audit.
There are plenty of youtube channels that provide useful content, you can check these out.



6)Understand Ielts writing in 25 minutes


Vocabulary is important aspect in writing.
During my exam, I made note of these adjectives and made sure to use them in the essay. Especially, in the ones with graphs and trends. 
1)Soar . Rocket . Leap . Climb . Surge .
2) Plummet . Sink. Drop. Slip back . Dip .
3)Substantial. Spectacular. Significant. Sharp . Dramatic. Degreee of adjectives.
4)Steady adjective. Steady . Consistent. Gradual
5)Small slight. Modest. Marginal

Your preparation might be quite different from yours. The words up there are merely opinions. Use your discretion to get proper material.

So far so much.
Do let me know your inputs.


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