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Breaking Boundaries: My Unconventional Quest for Personal Growth beyond my country

Hello all,

Life often throws us unexpected curveballs that challenge us to step out of our comfort zones and grow as individuals. My decision to move to the United Kingdom at a not-so-conventional stage of my life was one such curveball. I viewed it as my personal odyssey, a unique opportunity to learn valuable life lessons that couldn't be acquired any other way. In this blog, I'll share my thoughts behind my unconventional move, the personal growth I hoped to achieve, and the journey that led me to the United Kingdom. Its not to seek validation but probably tick some thinking caps.

After first 3 decades of life ( I know what you're thinking, haha ) reality hit and I realized that world was not as opportunist as dad told you, not as nice as mum sugar coated, not selfish as your senior told you, not as brutal as your boss told you. Its somewhere in between you are out to find your world , your balance.

Seeking Independence on All Fronts

As I approached a certain stage of my life, I realized that I needed to go beyond the comfort and security of my familiar surroundings. It was time to learn how to make decisions independently, take responsibility for the consequences, and achieve emotional independence. Living in a foreign country, would be the best boot camp to figure this out

Embracing Diversity

I recognized the importance of immersing myself in a diverse environment. My previous experiences had been somewhat sheltered, and I yearned for exposure to different cultures, perspectives, and backgrounds. It was because I wanted to understand why people behave or think so differently, why what pleases me angers you. Things that I find totally disgusting are stress busters for some people. The United Kingdom,  was the perfect place to broaden my horizons and embrace diversity. The practical reason being it was the only country where I could train to a higher post in my career and also fit the bill.

Learning to Discuss, Not Just Listen

In my journey towards personal growth, I wanted to evolve from being a passive listener to an active participant who engage in meaningful discussions, challenge my own beliefs, and learn from others' experiences. It was a step towards becoming a more open-minded and well-rounded individual.

Shifting from "What to Do" to "What Can I Do"

Too often, I found myself in situations where I would ask others what needed to be done. I wanted to change that pattern and become a proactive problem solver. There were instances where I was proactive, and believed that area had to be nourished. 

Personal Growth in All Dimensions

Physically, financially, and in terms of interpersonal skills, I knew I had room for growth. My decision was a conscious effort to take an extra mile and explore the boundaries of my potential. I wanted to develop into a more resilient, adaptable, and self-sufficient individual.

Discovering My World

To craft my own narrative of the world around me. It can come out to be anything rosy to thorny.

A Lesson in Respect

My journey to the UK also stemmed from a desire to learn respect, a value I had a first touch of while preparing for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) as a Emergency Medicine Resident. I recognized the importance of respectful communication and empathetic listening. In the UK, I hoped to build upon this foundation and cultivate a deeper understanding of how to engage with people from diverse backgrounds with respect and compassion.

Embracing Emotional Independence

This journey has been about finding balance, embracing diversity, learning the art of respectful communication, and achieving emotional independence. I may not have all the answers, but I'm on a path to discovering my world, on my terms, and that, to me, is a priceless journey of personal growth.

So far so much


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