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First National Level Conference in UK : BCT XIV


As I stepped into the room filled with leaders in emergency medicine in London, a wave of nervousness washed over me. This was one of my first high-profile conferences in the UK, and I couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water. I had spent days meticulously planning every detail – from my outfit to my introduction – in an attempt to make a good impression.

I settled on wearing a light pink and black outfit, thinking it would convey a sense of approachability, warm and friendliness. However, as I looked around the room, I couldn't help but notice that most attendees were clad in shades of black, blue, and grey. My initial confidence waned, and I suddenly felt conspicuous in my pastel attire.

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As the conference kicked off, I introduced myself to a few attendees and quickly realized that my worries about wardrobe choices were a bit misplaced. The content of the conference was far more important than the color of my scarf. The speakers were discussing cutting-edge topics in emergency medicine, sharing insights and perspectives that were both enlightening and inspiring.

I was so engrossed in absorbing the high-level information and gaining insights into how leaders in the field think and act that I didn't even notice the judgmental glances (or lack thereof) at my clothing. It was a valuable reminder that substance often trumps style, especially in professional settings.

However, as the day progressed, I couldn't shake the feeling that I hadn't made as many connections as I'd hoped. I realized that I had been so focused on absorbing information that I hadn't taken the opportunity to network and engage with my fellow attendees. In that moment, I felt a pang of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

Reflecting on my experiences from back in India, I remembered how simply listening and engaging with people in similar settings had opened my mind, broadened my perspectives, and eventually led to new opportunities. In those instances, the value of connections and relationships often outweighed the fear of missing out on specific interactions.

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As the conference drew to a close, I made a mental note to strike a better balance in the future. While absorbing valuable insights from high-profile events is important, it's equally crucial to connect with others in the field. After all, it's these connections that can lead to collaboration, growth, and even more enriching experiences.

My London conference experience taught me that while it's natural to be nervous in new and high-profile settings, the real value lies in the knowledge and perspectives gained. It's about learning from leaders in the field and finding ways to connect and engage with them and fellow attendees. And sometimes, it's okay to stand out a little, even in a sea of black, blue, and grey.

So far so much



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