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Showing posts with the label #emergencymedicine #em #lifeinfastlane #run #exhaustion #medicine #conference

Exhausting Virtual Conference-athon

Hello everybody It's been a while that I have written something on my blog. This time I have a valid reason . I was trying to absorb... Absorb knowledge from all over the world absorb best practices from all over the world listen to people from all over the world. Thanks to the pandemic most of the conferences went online and we had this opportunity to listen to the best speakers across the world virtually and economically , otherwise we'd have to spend lofty amounts just to go to a place to listen to somebody.  People who are in their residency will totally empathize and sympathize with the fact that somebody would have to let go of a conference to attend the other and the choice to pick which one would be difficult. The cold wars amongst the colleagues as to who finally goes to the conference would be never ending. The stress of accommodation to travel to food would be a different thing altogether. The fear of missing out good lectures versus the form of visiting ...