Hey all There are 3 ways of handling a situation. 1)We feel ourselves incapable of making any change with our hands physically. We can’t stop the bleeding that’s going on. So we give up hope. We feel hopeless. We feel that we can’t do anything. We find ourselves confused not knowing what to do. This feeling of depression is understandable. 2) We often times find ourselves making is a response of trying to ignore the situation. It’s too overwhelming; it’s too painful; so we choose not to watch the media; not to read about what’s going on; not to face the injustice in the world. We find ourselves avoiding the reality on the ground. 3) We often times find ourselves taking is that of being hyper-focused on the issues to the point that we get overwhelmed. We find ourselves fanatically trying to engage with these issues and troubles, and begin to consume every piece of news and follow the every detail of what’s going on in each of these conflicts around the world. Thoughts So despite all of ...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.