One of the saddest commentaries on my city that I see on an all too regular basis is the absolute lack of coping skills in the growing generation. We had generation X and then Y, and I guess they’ll need to call this generation W for whiners. Too pampered while growing up that they have no idea how to manage their own problems after they very effectively create them. I had the unfortunate experience of seeing A teenager who came to ER on three separate occasions seen by three separate ER physicians for what he described as chest pain. Day 1. Chest pain , Palpitations. ECG and all normal. Some anxiolytic and discharge. Day 2 . Chest pain , palpitations. ECG and all normal. Some anxiolytic and discharge. Patient insists on admission. Counseling and CIAO! Day 3 . Palpitations. ( My day) I heard Nurse while checking his vitals reassuring , you’re fine . Nothing is wrong. She told me that the boy had appeared twice earlier to the same centre with ch...