Why did you land up here? People are scared to take a step further! I want you to write the entrance one more time and get lost from this field ! I spoke to a lady for matrimony purpose and she cut me down saying Emergency Medicine ? This a demanding field! Just take a Paraclinical subject and SETTLE down. - My Mother said. Some more Free Me Time . I laugh as I breathe heartily before my mom runs behind me with her belan! Dust settles down. I don’t ! Cutting down the cliche crap . Some serious fodder down here: While common marriage advice holds that a person should place his or her marriage above all else, doctors often don't. Living with this reality often requires a lot of patience! Patience these days is like biryani takes a lot of efforts and wait ! The healthcare is a cross section of our society, and just as in any other community, there are always promiscuous men and women. The type of work doctors de...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.