Hello people I am back again . Blame it on the vacation guys! Insomnia got me here today. Today , I am rather euphoric but would like to bring out the health damages , that I had observed in fellow medical students. 1. Cuts To start on a lighter note since the anatomy dissection hall , haematology blood prick stunts in both physiology and pathology. The one below is the cut, I succumbed to while trying to turn my Davidson. Little though , it hurts . Which faculty , except the defence services lends their DNA just for the sake of some count. 2. Dark circles No , the 20 something girls don't have inch deep and wide dark circles . Not throughout the year, atleast . Unless they have a baby to look after or a 11-7am job , young ladies have bright eyes and complexion. The irregular cycles of sleep , either due to the exams or due to the exams again! Now that it's a routine , we never mind watching a movie or two during that time . 3. Acne The constant stress leads to dehydration o...