Hey all Blogging . Blogging . Because am neither studying nor working. So thought of doing thing ... that I effortlessly do... Blog! I literally wake up someday and feel very lucky. I feel very fortunate. Spend some time eeeing around the mirror . Other days I am a mess. Some days I am Saint unaffected with my surroundings . We all are. When we go through any emotional confusion it truly affects us on a whole new level. We act completely different and in some cases become entirely new people. 1. Positivity Pauses In my case I turn into negative nancy! For a fraction of second it is like I deserve to be alone forever... the next second it is , Who cares ! I am amazing and I'll do it with my pace. 2. Self worth doubts I allow people to drag down my self-esteem. I forget how important and wonderful I truly am! • I am a catch 😎LOL.😇• 3. Stuck in a rut and rant I fall into a hole and cannot get out for the life .I just cannot seem to break this slump an...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.