Vitamin Money Hey people, Jobless mind is a blog workshop . These 6 months the only job I have done consistently is to Overthink. Overthinking the worst and the best. When you overthink , you make plans . Since you are still stuck in dreamzone . You execute it in your dreams. Dream the outcomes. Since it's still a dream , the outcomes are fantastic. You buy a Mercedes , land up with equally ambitious partner. Everything goes fine , till your whatsapp buzzes and your friend enquiries about your task for the day.Reality strikes . Ghanta! We Indians , umm humans ... Dream of luxury. Not even comfort , luxury. The idea of work being done as soon as you think about it. So this October, I boarded the flight to be rich. Kept flying , till I realised I have nothing to make me rich. By the time I turn old enough to make enough money. I won't have time to enjoy the luxury. So now , I want to turn rich. Richie rich. Earn like a million rupees per annum . Splurge ...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.