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Bachi Kaali Hogayi !

Hello there! Hope this week is treating you well ! Me ? I've been doing things , going places keeping my sleep at stake . Chronic insomniac that I am , it did nothing much except for paying guest on my face " My Dark Circles". After having done some tedious night shifts I reach home tired , tanned . I see guests home. I go meet them up formally. The first dialogue , " Arere , Bachchi kaali hogayi ." Trust me, this was the first time a comment on my appearance didn't bother me much. I smiled at them. My eyes were really tired after tedious shift . I spoke a few words . Jumped to my favorite corner of the house lazing around doing nothing. There was a part of my teenage when appearance mattered it sort of reduced in early twenties.That part I would shed tear when my close ones would make fun of my appearance. In mid twenties, I don't even care. These days I carry my dark circles like a soldier carries his war wounds and bullet ma...

That's never going to happen!

Hello people Just a rant today , as usual to escape my fear of missing out. Here is a blog for you. Age 15 : Friend : How about taking Science as major after 10th grade. I : Just forget it! I love history. I am going to do my majors in either history or political science. Friend : Why not a doctor? I : Too much of study man! Look at my handwriting ! Its terrible! I am yelled at by every teacher here for my untidy handwriting and diagrams. Science? Forget it! 1 year later ... Lands up in Biology major!   Age 17 Lecturer : I think you'll make it into M.B.B.S. I : Laughs ! It takes 18 hours of study . Lot of hardwork . 5 and a half year of study. M.B.B.S. ( Medicine) Its never going to happen! I want to be a dentist. Sorted Life.  Lecturer : I don't know about all that. But see , you'll make it to Medicine. 1 year later ... Lands up in a Medical college. Age 22  : My groupies and I discussing about future aspects  like life , future ...

ER Diaries : The P,H you should never ignore

Hello people Today is a " Gyaan " day. One thing per day . You learn everyday. There was one fine day , when the emergency room was dead busy. I had just intubated a case , some more critical cases to deal with , discharging few cases. In short , perfect fish market kind of a situation . My incharge asking me status of every case . Just then a lady walks by , a priority 3 case attendant. She enquires about the lunch... When you are at the end of your shift , sorting things out , hungry . Somebody asking you about it. I was too busy to care , I directed her to the nursing staff. Before she could go , my senior asked her to stop. Madam , lunch? I'll order that for you. What would you like to have ? Let me check with the food and beverage department what they have in store. They have so and so for lunch . You'll have this . alright. Spicy or bland ? Haan ji . Please wait . Theyll get back to you . I stared in disbelief. Are you kidding me? If it was sa...

Emergency Medicine not good for women: 10 Idiotic reasons Why!

Hey people! I really appreciate your patience to read my banter each time. I genuinely look up to the feedback I get in personal messages. Today , again will be about emergency medicine. With academic years ending many people asked me how emergency medicine is like ? What better platform other than my blog to talk about it? My choice of emergency medicine as a speciality of choice has not been palatable to many people I meet everyday. 1.Very hectic Grow up. Residency is hectic everywhere! You HAVE to slog . Noway out. Be it USA , UK , India .Be it internal medicine , Surgery , Pathology. There are sleepless nights, minimal to no family life. Remember internship? extended 3 years plus thrice the stress and responsibility. My choice of emergency medicine as a speciality of choice has not been palatable to many people I meet everyday. 2. Disturbed Family Life. Joke? Medical Residents all round the world have disturbed family life . Some have a little more , some have a...

Mere ER mein - Mere Gully mein parody

Hey! Exams khatam. Bak bak chalu horeli hai. I'm so obsessed with Gully boy , that I've applied it in my daily chores. I promise this is the last parody ... Of the month at least. You got to watch - Mere Gully mein from Gully boy movie to get the beats. Tere filmo ka  hero Mere ER mein Ho poore shehar ki ladai Mere ER mein Prayer, prarthna aur dua Mere ER mein Mu pe acid wala burn mere ER  mein Ho police karne  aayi case Mere ER mein Ek number saari documentation Mere ER mein Ho mere ER mein ER ER ER mein Dekho to idhar ye hai ER na hai tumara ghar Chhota sa hai lekin zara dekho idhar Stress hai beshumar aayegi dard ki pukar kahi bhi se pain management dene ko taiyar heart attack chalenga lekin 15 din ka ulcer nai sabko attend karenge lekin sar ke upar chadne denge nahi Kyon? Kyunki Triage hai Mere ER ka tareeka Saleeka sikhela hai straight forwardness sikhela hai chaukat pe triage pe hamesha bawaali hai pinprick bhi...

Homophobia at work : Narrow mindedness check!

Hey everyone! It's been a while , that I've not shared my banter publicly. So , let's shoot! I had this experience the other day ... first time in ED residency or in medicine as such. No wonder ER teaches you so much about life , shows you the mirror. I received a call from airport center that they are referring a case to our ER. I had the preconception , that it is either going to be a priority 1 or attention seeking priority 3 case. So history goes 21 year old male history of unconsciousness following excessive crying since morning. He was operated for glaucoma one year back. Was not on any other drugs. had no other comorbidities.No history of fever, ingestion of unknown substance,seizure,head injury . The additional informal history was ,He apparently had a breakup. He seemed bisexual , They had found lipstick and foundation from his pocket. Patient was unconscious but Responding to Deep pain stimulus not even to formalin. But when they tried ryles he...

asli emergency se milaye Hindustan ko

Hey all! Long time no see. It's been ages that I've written a parody... My ode to Emergency medicine. (Parody of Asli Hip Hop from Gully Boy. ER mein Thanda koi nahi sab garam hi garam hai Angaar hai, angaar hai 30 by 2, CPR se life hai only adrenaline hai abhi atropine ka koi kaam na O ho... Khadi hoon kaise main yahan pe Ab na puchna, stress tha kitna shift mein Tujhko chahiye saboot kya 12 ghante ki  yeh peak par Judi hoon main zameen se khaana paani hai door chai bhi tu poochna Yaqeen tumko na tha par  main aayi hoon yakeen se Laakh departmenta ki nafratein hon saath OHEM ka pyaar hai resuscitate karna hai jeet meri  kaise jaau haar main?  pade zaroorat to ventilator pe main to dalungi kheenchlo tum IV  , interosseous main daalungi! aane do asystole, cpr kardaalungi aajaye VF shock main dedalungi Hojaye pneumothorax, decompression main kardaalu Dil tha toota tab EM mere saath tha! ROSC milne mein mujhe Haan adrenaline ka hi ha...

When my pizza craving kind of saved a life!

Hey people, No heroic act done. A coincidence where pizza is in the picture. One fine evening at the airport, I had this pizza craving. I could neither study or sleep . So I thought I'll stuff some pizza and that can help me nap. I strolled up to the food court. I was randomly screening menu of a restaurant I had never visited . In the field of vision came  48 year old unresponsive patient. He was sweating. His family was around him. They had spilled water on his face. I walked up to him spoke to him to check his orientation ( GCS) . When I was assured his GCS was fine . I asked for history. I got to know that he was diabetic , had similar episodes in the past. Meanwhile his daughter rushed to get some sugar solution . While he consumed it , I tried contacting my emergency room. And toodles! My network was not working. To buy time I ran around to see wheelchairs near the food court but unfortunately there was none. The staff was hardly of any help. I rushed back to assess the ...

Assessing fitness to fly : for healthcare professionals

Every year, over one billion people travel by air and that figure is predicted to double in the next two decades. Health professionals may increasingly be asked to assess a patient’s fitness to fly. So , it's better you know it before you land in an awkward position. Most patients will be able to fly safely, but some may require additional measures such as in-flight supplementary oxygen. Where necessary, even passengers who require specialist in-flight medical care up to intensive care level can usually be transported by air ambulance, although the cost of this can be prohibitive unless covered by the patient’s  medical insurance . It is important to note that although Cabin Crew are trained to render advanced first aid, they are not trained to administer medication. In addition, most airlines will assist passengers to reach the toilet accommodation on the aircraft but cannot render more personal hygiene or nursing care. The majority of in-flight emergencies occur in situation...

Fitness to fly : Medical issues when you won't be allowed to travel.

Hello people. This is an informative post. Not everybody is aware of this(  doctors included ). As a medical officer, I feel bad when I give "unfit to travel " certificate, because a lot of money , emotions, commitments are at stake . So , make sure you know it. Let your loved ones who are about to travel know it too. Most of them is been copy pasted from the website. I'll add my experiences in the next blog. Because I don't want to be meddling with serious stuff with my not so serious experiences. Also I'll be posting a different post for healthcare professionals stay tuned! What is medical clearance? You may be asked for proof of your “fitness to fly” when requesting assistance. If you have a stable condition, there is generally no need to be cleared for travel. There are usually two parts to the medical clearance process: You will be asked to provide information about your situation or condition and, for many passengers, this will be all you ...