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All you need is a pep talk and a frientheraphist

Confessions of a Crash doctor

Heyyyy people Confession pages , posts are always entertaining!  *Disclaimer: All the points written below are in a positive sense of wit , clumsiness and exaggeration. Don't take it seriously.  Crash area in emergency medicine is the resuscitation area , where the sickest patient is wheeled in. If you have a team of emergency physician , a crash doctor js designated based on experience and exposure to stabilize sick patient.These are high priority cases. Now that you have a background... Let the rant begin. Its been around 9 months that I've been continuously handling crash . So , let the rant begin. 1. We are the most no-nonsense people. 2. Trust handover blood pressure like you trust politicians promise. 3. One day makes you feel the best person in the whole world , next day you feel like a ruthless beast. 4. One day you feel like Sherlock Holmes who has solved a mystery , the other day its supandi time. 5. Ordering things and getting them done are two different...

What scares frontliners more than COVID19?

Hey people,  My grey matter is churning so many things out , that I had no other choice but to write about it. Yes , I got a lot of time! Honestly , as medicos, thats our foundation as doctors, we deal with so many infectious diseases . Nothing really bothers us as much. The paranoia has never gone overboard.  Why COVID then? Honestly speaking I was not a first bencher in school . Having said that, I love being a frontliner in my professional life. Probably because I am single, I have relatively less responsibility?  But with me are some people who love what they do. But every respiratory case that appears before them draws chill down their spine.  Why? Haven't they dealt with a pneumonia? Did tuberculosis scare shit out of them? Did swine flu made them isolate themselves? NO! then?  Its usually married people, healthcare workers with kids or elderly parents who are more scared.  Being a carrier of the disease , being a cause of some...

"So , if I fall sick you're going to send me to a government set-up? "The physician asked . #COVID #coronaera

Heylo people! What's on? This lockdown I have decided to make my self more aware of the things I was ignorant about... The areas of Geriatric and pediatrics... I know you guys are honing your culinary skills , but my mind just refuses to go to kitchen. Lets end the banter here. Today's scenario We had an elderly female 80 odd years who presented with respiratory symptoms, I was the doctor attending her. She was by protocol isolated , given basic care. My team that comprised of nurse , doctor , housekeeping all wore Personal protective equipment.  The lady was old follow up case of the hospital for decades now. The family was very well off . Ready to do anything to keep her in good health , she was already bedridden. Her Xray Chest was suggestive of Pneumonia. The same day a rule (not on paper) was about to be passed. That all respiratory cases have to be diverted to the government setup. So the decisions with respect to the respiratory cases were taken b...

Where are Life-threatening emergencies? #COVID

Hey people Its been a while that I've blabbered. My friend pointed out that I don't have consistency. I happened to plan to do everything, but am left at point zero.  So , now ... idea is to blog consistently ( Don't mistake is as everyday 😜) You cannot take charge to annoy everyone everyday. Topic for the day... Where are Life-threatening emergencies ?  Its not that people aint dying... they are. But has the nature changed its way of cleansing earth by this crash detoxification method ? I mean where are the heart attacks, stroke , traumas , cancers , colics ... Its just lungs, lungs, lungs!!! Bacteria in the lungs , virus in the lungs , food in the lungs  !  I actually sat back thinking about it ... The occurrence of the disease has gone down or the what has lead to the steeping of the cases. Fear The COVID scare is so bad that people have boycotted hospitals altogether scared of the One for One offer for COVID that they may contract. ...

Foolishly Isshmart citizens #Coronaera

Hey people, Post All Fools Day , I don't think there is a better topic to talk about  in the Corona Era! Every doctor who is working in emergency is facing these what I call  "foolishly issmart attendants". Who are they ? They are citizens of India mostly or non citizens of India who are paranoid of corona virus. They are divided in all states , all religions , all economic backgrounds. What do they do ? Roam around the country, do mass gathering , celebrate festivals , parties incessantly giving a deaf ear to the warning of pandemic. They take it like cheating on a diet or their routine medication.  Why are they annoying ? They come to hospitals , hide or lie about the most important symptoms because of various reasons. Be it  travel history , fever , cough . Eventually expose more people . Why are they foolish ? They think eventually doctors would not know , blood work up will not show , examination will be missed. They don't understand the magnitude of trouble the...

Best time of the century to be EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN

Hey Quarantine Population,  It's been a while that I wanted to write this article. The title itself tells you how excited I am to share this.  No Bragging , but I've always been proud of my department and field .The care is delivered in the crisis never fails to amaze me. I feel very privileged to be in my residency during this pandemic. Yet again I feel really proud to be one of the frontliners in the COVID_19 pandemic. When even the loved ones are hesitant to touch a person, we take a call to talk , empathise , counsel and treat them.  The job of a emergency physician is only getting more critical as most of the specialists are scared of the pandemic. The first thing they ask before walking in is , is there a COVID suspect in there?  So we are donning multiple caps being a physicians, cardiologists, orthopedics , nephrologists , radiologists etc.  Multiple roles include 1.  Informers : To the local authorities about the pandemics...

COVID Caution in Aam Aadmi

Hey people, How's the quarantine life going? Chilling or killing time? Since all doctors are stressing on how they're being on high end as people actually facing the virus , I just noticed some cautious moments that shows the caution and panic the quarantine has created. Instance # 1 Wheeled into resuscitation area today was an elderly about  88 year old female  who was brought with history of unresponsiveness for more than an hour. Active resuscitation took place. Despite best attempts I had to declare her dead. I went out to look for family, I saw nobody. Till then I was in the code, my team was communicating with the family. I went out of the Emergency room looking for them. When I saw the family, everybody was wearing a mask , not a disposable one , the other N99 mask, with hand sanitizer in their hands. They were OKAY with the death news. The thing they were worried about was walking into ED.  They just wanted me to do the formalities fast , s...

Weird midnight request

Hey people !  Back to weird topics with weird headers. The other day , it was past midnight, I'd accompanied a patient to the ICU, I notice an elderly lady stand near the elevator . Honestly, I didn't even notice. I dropped the patient came back she was there.  She walked towards me hastily and asked, hello doctor. I smiled back said Hi and tried walking fast to the emergency room.   Doctor if you don't mind I've a request . There was pin drop silence ,everything she told was loud and clear.  With no other choice I asked her what the request was.  Can you drop me on the second floor. I've a relative who is sick , I've to go. I cannot stand alone in a elevator. Please? I nodded. Dropped her to her requested floor , came back.  There was nothing so OMG about the incident.  I somehow find it spooky. Also when I look back . Shows little anxieties that people have in them , that otherwise don't surface. So far so Much Bye...

Debts in Residency

Hey people  Long time , no see. Busy would be a wrong word , I had rather say my priorities were different for past few months. Running around various other things, partying like crazy to keep my brain occupied.  While trying to do all this ,I unknowingly landed up in many debts . 1. Sleep debt 6-8 hours of sleep, " Ha Ha Ha " from the Johnny Johnny rhyme.  If you're a resident and you sleep enough , thats an achievement in itself. If you don't, its okay , you're just like everyone else. 2. Shift debt Wabt to attend a conference? Beg , borrow , steal , die. Want to attend your friends wedding? Beg , borrow duties .  Want to rest ? Ha Ha Ha. 3. Food debt You tend to miss out on meals and then suddenly binge on at once. If this has not happened , Bro , what planet do you belong to? 4. Memory debt Forget your keys , forget loans , forget people .Happens with everyone. 5. Knowledge debt ...