Hey all Once you're done with your residency . Things appear differently. Some people have a distant vision about such things while some realise at the moment. Nevertheless, the struggle is more or less the same. Remember going through growth spurts as a child? The too-short pant legs were embarrassing, but the achy limbs and joints made it miserable. Just like when you were a teen and all your comfortable clothes would no longer fit. These are tough adjustments “growing pains,” and they can throw your career way off its trajectory if you aren’t prepared to face them. While moving out of your parent institution is great, not everything is sunshine and roses. You can experience these growth spurts fast or slow. Some people are lucky enough to choose the pace. Some people have no choice but to give in. Confusion , Reduced morale, Unclear priorities , A decrease in productivity is very common.Sudden changes from one organization to another organization can lead to discomfo...
Doctor . Emergency Physician .Flip side of medicine Drama. Rant Alert.